I’m in that space again where I can’t write fast enough to get down all the ideas that’re flooding my mind. Nothing I can do about it. It almost makes it seem apparent that “getting” the ideas isn’t the most important thing. I imagine that just opening to the flow is more important.
Nonetheless I signed on to be a communicator so I oblige myself to at least try to communicate what’s coming through in this incredible download that I’m having at the moment.
And not only me, but my associates as well. We’re all of us in flow or downloading or however you want to see it – expanding, expanding, expanding.
It becomes so important to get out of the way of the flow of ideas that we find ourselves frantically communicating by hand gestures just to speed up the process of communication. Telepathy will definitely be helpful.
Where to begin? I only write this article to illustrate the creative explosion. The ideas I communicate here are far less important than illustrating the flow of ideas, so we can see the nature of the times we’re in.
Divine Qualities vs. Nova Earth
Perhaps I can begin by saying that, in my view, manifesting the divine qualities in our behavior (walking the walk, instead of simply talking the talk) is far more important in the overall scheme of things than just building Nova Earth.
Building Nova Earth is about reconstructing the Earth so that it allows for full Fifth Dimensionality to be experienced. Building Nova Earth means refashioning ourselves so we manifest the divine qualities, reconstituting our societies so they reflect the divine qualities, and introducing advanced technologies so we’re allowed to rebuild the Earth in a way that allows for Gaia’s comfort and our higher-dimensional experiencing.
But manifesting the divine qualities ourselves and within our behavior is something that’s central and crucial to our continuing evolution into the Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Two-Hundredth, and Seven-Thousandth Dimensions, so to speak. And of course I’m being tongue in cheek by putting it this way. But you get my drift.
Manifesting the divine qualities is crucial to life itself as far as we can see into the virtually-endless evolutionary future. Manifesting the divine qualities is crucial to our successful completion of life viewed as an overall journey from God to God through countless lifetimes.
There’s nothing more important to a successful outcome of life than becoming like God, whereas Nova Earth refers to just the movement from Third Dimensionality to Fifth Dimensionality.
That’s one thing that cries out to be communicated at this moment. But there’s much, much more. I’m in the midst of this creative explosion, this thermonuclear creative moment, and just trying to show you what it’s like.
Love vs. Bliss/Joy
OK, here comes another idea.
I’ve said before that we probably don’t fully appreciate the importance of bliss. Bliss causes us to expand. It opens the door to wisdom. Bliss, or you can call it joy if you’d rather, is the solvent that releases us from all our bonds. The more bliss, the higher our vibrations rise.
I think we think of bliss as being flakey, woo-woo, New Agey. But Jesus called the Holy Spirit the “blissful comforter who brings all things to remembrance.” Bliss is absolutely essential to our expansion into Fifth Dimensionality and far, far beyond. And bliss is an attribute of the Divine.
Love is also an attribute of the Divine but to me love is different than bliss, if difference there be at these refined levels of existence.
Love is the attractive force in the universe. The electrons of an atom are held to the nucleus by love. The atoms are held together in molecules by love. People are attracted to one another by love. The planets are held to the Sun by love.
Love attracts; bliss expands. If we look at what it is that attracts us to others and others to us, we’d need to look to love. But if we want to know what it is that brings on expansive wisdom, we’d have to look to bliss.
Love is a horizontal pull; bliss is a vertical push. Love draws us to others but bliss pushes us to new heights.
A friend of mine pointed out to me the relevance of balance and gratitude to bliss. Her joy arises when she’s centered or balanced. Of course the treasure buried in the field, or the Self, is in the center of that field of the body – the heart. And when she finds herself in the experience of the Self in the center or heart, she feels gratitude.
Being centered is the same as being equanimous. When we’re equanimous, it’s OK that something happens for us and OK that it doesn’t. We’re detached from worldly objects and outcomes, but not detached from God and the divine. We’re increasingly devoted to God when we’re equanimous toward material things.
Being equanimous, detached, centered, or balanced is conducive to bliss.
What’s conducive to love is more being released from our old business, resentments, upsets, unwanted conditions so that the flow of the attractive power of love can go on unimpeded. Resistance is fatal to love; attachment is fatal to bliss.
Relationships are Negotiated Matters
When we turn our attention to matters of relationship, what we so often forget and get entangled in is that relationships don’t proceed on the basis of obligation, “shoulds,” blame and shame or even rationality but on the basis of feelings and choices.
A person will do something in Fifth-Dimensional relationship because they want and choose to, not because they should or are obliged to. Only in Third-Dimensional entanglements will they do something because they’re supposed to or should do.
When we forget that, we come a-cropper. The person we try to control and keep close to us by appealing to obligation, “shoulds” and guilt and shame inevitably leaves us. But it’s a hard lesson to learn. Lifetime after lifetime, I suspect, we go on trying to keep people near us through blame and shame.
Rule of Four
When we look at what occurs in relationship and try to explain what we want to occur or why something did occur, we’ll find ourselves increasingly needing to follow the Rule of Four. The Rule of Four states that we must look at a course of action from all four perspectives to sort out what needs to be done in any one circumstance:
(1) What you want
(2) What you don’t want
(3) What I want
(4) What I don’t want
If we make a decision simply on the basis of one of these considerations without looking at the other three, that’s when we usually create resistance and residue. That’s usually when things go off the rails.
If we argue that we should do something because that’s what the other person wants or doesn’t want, we again can go off the rails. People see that as controlling.
It may not be up to us to interpret what the other wants or doesn’t want. It may be more to the point to state what we want or don’t want and leave the other to state what they want or don’t want.
I try to take into account all four bases when making a decision with others. Only by touching on all four bases do we ensure that a decision is made that conforms to all our wishes and promises to leave no resentment or residue.
Distinctions vs. Judgements
Past this point in our evolution, it may not be practical for us to proceed in our work together on the basis of judgments, but I think it will be decidedly practical for us to proceed on the basis of distinctions.
Judgements divide. They create resistance in us and others. They perpetuate one-upmanship, lend themselves to sidebarring, separate, divide and conquer, emanate from the mind rather than the heart, on and on. Judgements don’t reflect what’s so; they reflect how we wish things to be.
Distinctions do reflect what’s so, not how we’d like things to be. They are reality-based; they stem from observation rather than the fulfilment of our wishes. They do separate but they can also unite. They don’t divide and conquer; they simply describe what is, in actuality.
They’re useful to understanding which is itself useful to acceptance, whereas judgements tend towards classification only, not understanding necessarily, and are useful mostly for positioning ourselves vis-a-vis acceptance or rejection.
Our acceptance, as a result of judging, is a false acceptance, an acceptance based on usefulness to us in the fulfilment of an agenda. Distinction is not related to the fulfilment of an agenda; it’s simple service to the truth.
A Creative Exp
I could go on about truthfulness vs. harmlessness, being guided by the heart, being authentic about our inauthenticity, and why the possibility of a perception of a conflict of interest is the legal test of what should spur us to excuse ourselves from a conversation.
But I’m just trying to demonstrate something to you and it isn’t really about the matters I’m commenting on themselves. I’m trying to illustrate what a creative explosion looks like and pointing to the fact that I think more and more these days we’ll find ourselves in the midst of them.
You can call this a download if you like. Same difference.
But, driven as I am, I’ll continue with the ideas, just to make the point. OK, then, consider this. The construction of Nova Earth is proceeding on three fronts: the inner personal front, the outer social front, and the outer technological front. Etc., etc., etc. On and on and on and on.
via Golden Age of Gaia