We have a phrase “dawning awareness,” which directs itself to explaining how knowledge unfolds. Dawning awareness may refer to the process of inspiration from our guides, remembrance of knowledge blocked by the encumbrance that the physical body is, or simply the progressive growth of understanding as one thing is seen after another.
I’m watching the process of “dawning awareness” happen with me in relation to my understanding of the significance of the divine qualities in the total life journey from God to God. The divine qualities include such things as truth, love, peace, equanimity, courage, determination, persistence, humility, compassion, etc. They are the qualities that God is or has.
I began by seeing the significance in relation to ascending that the practice of reflecting the divine qualities in our lives has. Then it became clear that the divine qualities were the new paradigm itself. Then it became clear that replicating the divine qualities in our lives was indispensable to building Nova Earth.
But now I’m seeing that living more and more closely to the divine qualities is much more significant than simply as an approach to Ascension or even building Nova Earth. It’s the practice that describes how all souls continue to evolve throughout the whole of their journey from God to God.
The increased purity that results from living the divine qualities more deeply and expansively is what distinguishes a more evolved being from a less evolved being no matter where they are placed on Jacob’s ladder of consciousness, whether we’re talking about a human or an angel, a bodhisattva (1) or an elohim, (2) a planetary logos (3) or a solar logos. (4)
Far from being central to ascending or building Nova Earth, living the divine qualities more and more closely is the practice that distinguishes us from the dawning of self-awareness itself until mergence with God through total Self-Realization at the end of existence.
Climbing the ladder of dimensionality not just from the Third to the Fifth, but from any dimension to the next more expansive, is I think determined by the extent to which we’ve mastered the divine qualities.
Thus when we first make the choice for ourselves that our lives will see us master the divine qualities ever closer, we’ve taken, I believe, perhaps the most important step we’ll ever take in our evolutionary development.
It isn’t a step which simply places us on the Ascension path or that will see us eventually build a world that works for everyone. It’s a step that will see us eventually return to and merge with God, which is the object of all our lives.
And saying this for myself is perhaps the most important thing I can say to myself of anything I’ve said so far. This understanding is the most revolutionary of the understandings that have gradually dawned for me, as they dawn for us all.
While up till now I may have been unconsciously working on mastering the divine qualities, from this moment that learning is no longer haphazard but is self-conscious and firm. It shows up for me as as important as Ascension itself or the accomplishment of building a world that works for everyone because, once one has realized the importance of mastering the divine qualities, the rest follows and simply requires more time or whatever the higher-dimensional equivalent of “time” may be.
I feel an immense satisfaction at this moment from having seen this matter, a peacefulness and resolution of issues, questioning and search.
A tremendously-important and urgent question has just been answered for me and, unlike on so many occasions on which it yields to a flurry of other questions, no other question arises to take its place.
(1) Buddhist term for a being who has elected not to go into Nirvana before all beings go into Nirvana.
(2) A exalted being who creates worlds.
(3) The being who is charged with the administration of a planet.
(4) The being who is charged with the administration of a solar system.
via Golden Age of Gaia