Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Hannah Beaconsfield: Yes, Virginia, There was a Consciousness Shift

via Golden Age of Gaia

Hannah Beaconsfield (no photo of Heather Crane available) Hannah channels the Pleiadian Light. Her account arrived today, but dates to Jan. 1.



Hannah Beaconsfield, by email, Jan. 1, 2013

Many people in the metaphysical/spiritual/New Age clans are reporting their experiences during the recent 12/21/12 date of predicted ascension. The reality perceptions of the mass consciousness have cast this prediction in dark colors, charged with fear and doom. However, most who were aware that a change did occur experienced subtle, inner alterations, each in their own way. And these alterations were as dramatic as any doomsday prophesies.

While I was going through this shift, a phrase entered my mind describing the situation:

“…very gently, Earth shattering.” My experience was of feeling a particular surge of energy beginning weeks before the predicted date and, I expect, it will continue for some time into the new year.

The ascension energies, for those who are not familiar with this metaphysical drama, have been accelerating for many years. The changes (as I’ve experienced them) in all of our bodies of consciousness (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual) that have been brought about by ascension energies have caused all sorts of uncomfortable symptoms. These energies appeared to come in cycles, ascending spiral cycles. The cycling became much more rapid during the last half of this year.

The particular symptom pattern that I experienced started with head, eye, sinus pain, then throat and chest discomfort, with muscle aches and pains. This was followed by irritability, then “subclinical narcolepsy” with constant sleeping, followed by high energy and insomnia. And finally, a period of feeling (somewhat) balanced.

No one in their right mind would consciously take on such a life. And having done so, one is constantly questioned by others as to whether or not his/her mind is right. Thousands, perhaps millions, of people have taken on variations of these challenges to anchor the ascension energy on Earth.

For me the cycles repeated at varying lengths of time for years. There were variations and sometimes unusual characteristics, like all symptoms being felt only on the left side of the body. My pattern continued accelerating until Christmas week when a milder version of a full cycle was occurring in, more or less, one day.

Other people have reported different scenarios. Rather than having the energies play through their physical and emotional bodies, they have had multiple losses in their lives or participated in catastrophic events. And there are some who have taken on all of these challenges.

As we accelerated past the 12/12/12 mark, my mind was in a fog and/or altered states of consciousness. I don’t remember exactly what happened what day, but a week or so before Christmas I experienced 24 hours of the most incredible state of being, so different from anything I ever experienced in this life. Or could have imagined.

I didn’t do anything unusual. Nothing happened that was extraordinary. I didn’t go anywhere. I didn’t talk to anyone. I just experienced the state and mused about how I’d been working toward this expanded level of consciousness for decades and it was here, it was real! Along with many others, I have channeled about this transformation for years, but there was always a part of me that doubted.

Words wear out and we constantly have to find new ones to give life to experiences. All I could come up with to identify the state I was in was wellbeing, a profound sense of wellbeing, a transcendental level of wellbeing that was very gently, Earth shattering. If this was what it’s like living in 5D all the time, what an extraordinary world would evolve from humans who were operating and creating from this level of consciousness.

After my Earth-shattering 24 hours, I dropped back into my former level and the cycling began again, but now for a short period of time in each cycle, I return to the state of 5D wellbeing, lest I forget what I’m working for.

On Christmas day I had a dream. I was going on a trip, with several people I knew, on a rocket ship to outer space for a brief time, then coming right back. As I was getting into the rocket, I remember feeling both anxious and excited about the trip. The next thing I remember was being safely back from the trip. I asked the Pleiadian Light to channel about this dream and what happened in outer space that I didn’t remember.

The Pleiadian Light:

Your rocket to outer space dream was a representation of an out-of-body trip to see the current world transformation from an over view position. You saw the light surrounding the planet, the changes taking place, and the bright future. The visions you saw will surface in your conscious understanding incrementally, as you proceed with the ascension process.

Now that the fuss is over and the pundits have had their jokes about the end of the world non-event, we can return to evolving as individuals and as a world consciousness. And, Virginia, if you are one who thought that nothing happened, I can assure you it did. You were a part of it. You will be evolving incrementally with the rest of us and the world on which we live.

© Hannah Beaconsfield 2013

via Golden Age of Gaia