Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Making a World Work is Not Complex … At Least Conceptually.

via Golden Age of Gaia

Workability 234 Making a world work is not a complex matter, at least on the face of it. It isn’t hard to think about it, whether or not it may be hard to realize it.

Making a world work is simply a matter of eliminating from it all that’s unworkable. I need to keep reminding myself: what will make this subject unfold almost as if by nature or by magic is remembering that making the world world simply requires making the unworkable workable.

What does not work? At the most general level, anything that prevents or blocks the divine qualities such as truth, love, unity, and harmony is unworkable. Anything that promotes them is, at the most general level, workable.

We’ve come a long way from even one or two years ago. It would have been impossible to think at that time that we could come together as a world to do much of anything. But we have come together. Whatever happened on 21/12/12, you could see the vast spread of lightworkers who came together to align on bringing the New Age in. There’s much discussion of whether we ascended or not, and I’m open to whatever proves true. But there also needs to be discussion of the impressive alignment of the human collective on that day.

Our readership jumped from an average of between 50, 000 to 120,000 hits on that day. I don’t pay much attention to readership numbers, but nevertheless the fact that people are starved for the world’s progressive evolution is clear by their interest in that day.

One might say that the jump in totals was to be expected. Perhaps. But that’s a very large number of lightworkers attending to a single event under any circumstances. Yes, we attended to it because we thought what would happen on that day was different than what did. But we still showed our overwhelming interest in spiritual evolution.

People do know that we’re evolving. Most readers of this blog know what we’ve won so far. The re-election of President Obama, despite lingering beliefs that he’s a front for the dark when in fact he’s a beleaguered standard-bearer for the light, shows that many in the United States at least, which remains a world opinion leader, remain loyal to the vision he represents.

The recent rumors of arrests of banking officials, the statements that the vast majority of the cabal are contained in light and love, the tangible destruction of the command centers of the military arm of the cabal, the knowledge that no nuclear arms can be exploded on the planet, the silence of the HAARP, the freedom the galactics have to fly in our atmosphere, even if they don’t want to spook the masses by being too obvious – all show how power has passed from the elite to the people. In the Fifties you could be silenced (permanently) for disclosing the existence of the galactics.

You don’t hear any more of pandemics like SARS, Asian flu and swine flu. The corrupt practices related to foreclosures are well known and publicized. The libor scandal has shaken the top levels of the financial industry. On and on goes the list of actions taken that are prying the economy from the grip of the planet’s former controllers.

Much has been done and much remains to do. But now the time arrives for us to do it.

Why is making the world work not a complex matter? We already know that the direction the world is headed in is towards the divine qualities. And it should be easily guessable that what is unworkable in the world, speaking from a social standpoint, is what denies or blocks those same divine qualities. To make the world work, we need to let go of the old paradigm of separative/competition-based/win-lose qualities and embrace the divine in all we do.

That means or may mean the following.

(1) Drop all social and economic arrangements that promote inequality and embrace only those that promote equality.

(2) Protect childhood as a time of free and universal access to all needed services.

(3) Protect the sanctity of marriage and the right of everyone, everywhere, to marry according to choice and to bear children if and as they wish.

(4) Guarantee to all the right to worship as they choose.

(5) Guarantee the right of all to speak freely, except where their words or ideas promote serious harm to others.

(6) Guarantee the right of all to assemble as they choose, except where their assemblies promote serious harm to others.

(7) Ensure the right of all to work at professions they choose.

(8) Distribute wealth equitably.

(9) Ensure that governance proceeds without corruption or fraudulent elections in the service of all.

(10) Ensure free and unhindered access to water, heat, electricity, and other needed services.

(11) Ensure access to clean water in areas where it’s not presently available.

(12) Ensure adequate food and shelter for all, independent of means.

(13) Extend necessary services to all, assuming the expense for them as a common rather than an individual burden. These include education, medical care, certain social services, and many more vital services which should not depend on means.

(14) Ensure that free and adequate public transportation is available to all.

(15) Ensure that peace is maintained.

(16) End the right of individuals to bear arms, except authorized police and military personnel.

This list can be expanded. I only want to be suggestive here to start discussion going.

Many will raise objections to the provision that weapons be denied to private individuals. But there is no room for private citizens bearing arms in the New World we’re building. Those people who continue to seek security in the barrel of a gun will need to remain behind in a world in which weapons continue to play a part. Weapons play no part in Nova Earth, except for security personnel who protect the community from external threats rather than facing inwards where no threat will soon exist.

Any situation which is unworkable needs to be made workable for the world to work. I envision conferences or think tanks at which the world’s leaders and specialists in the various fields of human endeavor meet and identify the areas of the world’s unworkability and make realistic plans to convert them into workability. I invite work in these areas to begin immediately.

via Golden Age of Gaia