A Message from Mira of the Pleiadian High Council (now on the Earth Council)
Through Valerie Donner – January 7, 2013
Greetings, I am Mira.
We are present with you and the Earth as we guide you through to the higher energies. You are rising above the typical 3rd dimensional awareness. It can appear in the past almost beyond reach. The old will become even more remote as you continue your journey with us.
We monitor your progress and your skies, we attune to the activities of the Inner Earth and the frequencies of human consciousness. From our vantage point there is little question of the shift. We see a breaking away of the foundation for the third dimension and what has been familiar. The planet is in upheaval. Most of humanity is still in denial about this fact.
As Ground Crew you will be aware of us around you and in the sky. We are close and present. There are many details to be worked out with Prime Source and the Earth. Negotiations are in process. The stronghold of the darkness is weakening and the planet is at a tipping point.
This means that the collective consciousness of Light is stronger than the dark. We ask you to continue your spiritual work with meditation and prayer to assist the process. It won’t take a major force of energy to reach the critical mass. The energies of life itself are conducive to this and your consciousness affects these energies too.
Stay grounded. Embrace the new. What you have been waiting for is coming to you and will bring you far greater joy, peace and love than you could have imagined.
I am Mira in love and service to you and the Earth.
via Golden Age of Gaia