Wes Annac: Further Instructions for Ascending Gatekeepers
Wes Annac, Aquarius Channelings, January 02, 2013
There are many of you out there who experienced some amazing things on or around the timeframe of December 21st, 2012, which include some of the apparent ascension symptoms outlined by Archangel Michael. As I’ve testified to, I certainly felt such symptoms myself and I continue to feel an adjustment to a purer state of consciousness.
I’m not going to say that myself or anyone else whom this writing is intended for have ascended, but I will state with happiness that we are finding purer states of consciousness that, for me at least, are acting as bridges to the fifth dimensional reality I’m beginning to be able to access. The fifth dimension is not apparent within our current outer reality yet, but we have now begun to be able to access it by tuning inwardly and personally, I feel this to be the greatest opportunity to begin really pumping-up our Lightwork.
There are some who may feel as if they have ascended or at the very least, felt some of the “ascension symptoms” we were told could be prevalent around the 21st and are now feeling amazingly-pure states of consciousness that are quite easy to tune-in to. I’ve “received” that there are indeed a plethora of us who are acting as Gatekeepers and placeholders for the fifth dimensional reality beginning to settle upon our reality and our perceptions, and that the Gatekeepers will begin to steadily realize their place and role in these times.
Some of you probably already feel your increasing role as Gatekeepers, and others will begin to understand this more as they find the metaphysical experiences accompanying what seems to have been an amazingly-pure date that, so many days later, I am still writing about and experiencing amazing effects from.
I know I am not the only one, as we have had quite a few reports from Lightworkers who experienced near-instant effects, as well as those who initially experienced moments of sadness and perceived loss before beginning to feel and understand the refinement taking place. Even those of us who may not feel as if they’ve began embracing the new paradigm or as if they are playing the role of Gatekeepers, can fulfill such a position if they make the commitment to.
That is the wonderful thing about this Gatekeeper role; it is not exclusive to any Earthly soul and it is simply that the Lightworkers who attuned to the heightened energies early-on realized and began to embrace the role many are now beginning to find. You can realize and embrace this role as well and if you do, you will be taking on a wonderful challenge that will test you and your commitment to this ascension.
The Gatekeepers are tasked with presenting and introducing the concepts of ascension and Oneness to the Earth public. Embracing such a role could mean having to take the criticism and skepticism that is still prevalent on our world, which is why one’s faith must be unwavering.
Your unwavering faith is not asked because the higher realms wish you to blindly embrace something, but if you have doubts within about our ascension that you have not worked through, you will find this role much more difficult to embrace. Having long fulfilled what to me has seemed to be a prototype version of this role for the past couple of years, I can say that you may likely take some criticism for the concepts you would attempt to introduce or put-forth.
Another wonderful thing about the Gatekeeper role is that it is not limited to one facet. What I mean is that you do not have to spread and disseminate ascension-related knowledge to perform the role of a Gatekeeper. You can undertake that facet of performing this role and it is highly recommend (as is undertaking every facet of this role) but there is much more you can do.
We are indeed asked to embrace and uphold the ideals and information pertaining to our ascension, spirituality and Oneness, and we can uphold such ideals simply by radiating the positivity we possess within that is driven from our ascension energies and the realms of full consciousness, outwardly to all those around us.
We can begin to understand our infinite power as spiritual beings undergoing a transforming and evolving human experience. We can begin to utilize our abilities to bless everything around us and use the natural healing abilities we all carry within to benefit our experience and those of as many who are accepting of our healing as possible.
Above all, the Gatekeepers are being asked to remain balanced and, whenever possible, positive in the face of possible difficulty along our paths. Our spiritual paths have been heightened for some time but we have truly entered a whole new phase of testing and intensity, and embracing the role of a Gatekeeper only intensifies our Life paths more.
We will be tested, as we have always been and this will happen whether you undertake the Gatekeeper role or not. Those of you who are could possibly find yourselves perceiving of our fifth dimensional New Earth, or more specifically, the gates you may be stationed at that are being used to funnel-through the energies of the work-in-progress that is our fifth dimensional Earth.
My fiancé, PocahontasBrandy, recently had a very interesting dream about these very gates which I will likely detail in another writing.
The role of Gatekeeper is just that – keeping and holding the space for the ascension energies to come through the portals or “merkabas” that can also be called energy gates. They are called energy gates because they are literal links from one dimension to the other (in this case, the 5th to the 3rd/4th) wherein energy is sent between such realms.
Having received impressions of the work being performed on our New Earth during meditation, I can say that the still-thousands of Lightworkers attuning to these realms as well as the ascended souls assisting them in shaping the landscape, are working away at providing the purest and most attainable of higher dimensional energies to serve as the very energetic links we are helping to hold in place.
Holding these energetic links in place will entail some difficulty and we will truly face ourselves and our ability and desire to remain steadfast to our ultimate goal of holding the space for the entire planet to enter the very higher vibrations we’re beginning to discover, interact with, and work to bring-forth in a reality that seems to have only taught separation, divisiveness and disharmony.
Overall, it is important for the Gatekeepers to know that such old ways (of separation and disharmony) are truly coming to an end, and that our inward participation in the many, many Lighted rituals occurring at present to further initiate and bring-forth our ascension energies is just as important as our continued focus on our goal.
It has been said that much is expected of those to whom much is given, and being one who has been given so very much by the Universe, I think we can also rearrange this statement to say that much is given to those of whom much is expected.
I say this because the role so many Lightworkers are undertaking as Gatekeepers will require much of them. It will require their spiritual focus and a continual affirmation of the beliefs forming their entrance into the higher realms. A balanced, centered, positive and allowing perspective is required to undertake this role because there are plenty of others even within the Lightworker community, who feel disillusioned at present by what is perceived to have been a non-event surrounding the 21st.
There are so many of us who felt a new role become illuminated for us and still others who experienced the most grand of visions, impressions and initiations, and it is understandable that some would lose faith in our ascension because of not having felt some of the wonderful upgrades that others were able to feel, even if only slightly.
This is why I restate that our positivity is essential because personally, I’ve experienced so many amazing things that the sometimes-negative perspectives expressed by others surrounding the 21st have hardly fazed me. I do feel for all those who don’t feel as if anything took place, but I certainly have my reasons for knowing within that something amazing happened and that we are still feeling the results of it.
Those of you who are embracing the role of Gatekeepers may feel the same way, and it is we who must reassure and let all those who feel disillusioned know that positive, higher dimensional change is indeedmanifesting. It hasn’t happened in a small timeframe but then again, it is a big job.
The largeness of this job makes it all the more important to begin working on, does it not?
This is why I encourage us all to embrace any of the personal new roles we may be finding for ourselves. I hope I have been able to help those of you who have found and embraced the role of Gatekeepers for our fifth dimensional energies to come through, better understand what is happening and what is humbly asked of you at this time and in the time ahead.
I wanted this to be a “handbook” or “instruction manual” of sorts for Gatekeepers and as I draw it to a close, I wish to express excitement for everything we are heading into.
I can truly feel some amazing energies and I can feel even more brimming to burst from within, and as we all unite together to co-Create our new paradigm of peace, cooperation and intense higher dimensionality in every form it has to offer – we Create exactly what we have been envisioning and working toward during an Earth experience that has tested and, at times, flattened us.
While there is still much work to be done for the Lightworkers, Gatekeepers, Galactics, Celestials, and the human Earth collective especially, I must reiterate that we have made it. The hardest of the work has been done and while we will all be tested as the New Year beckons us toward true and fluid-like change, our experiences and roles from here on out are to be more enjoyable than we can currently imagine.
Wes Annac – Receiving assistance and passing it on.
via The 2012 Scenario