Thursday, January 10, 2013

Wes Annac: The Hathors – Creating in Distorted Realms, the Beginning of your Experience and the Components of Source (Part 2/2)

via Golden Age of Gaia

wes_talltreesChannelled through Wes Annac – January 9, 2013

Continued from Part 1 above

We have learned to refine our words and not necessarily distort them, but trim them to match humanity’s and the Lightworker public’s level of understanding in any given moment. Having learned to do this along with a plethora of other souls who are speaking through receptive channels at this time, we have been able to assist those who are putting together the disclosure announcements by way of utilizing the Akashic Records.

We have been working with the Akashic Records specifically on the simplified truths you will be given, within yourselves and on your televisions. We have been helping to simplify some of the most complex discussions for humanity to absorb, so that you can absorb it properly and as is so with our communications, we have refined the amount of simplicity we employ in some of the more complex discussions so that they are easier to absorb.

Indeed, many of you have already noted the sometimes-staggering length of our communications and if we could have what to you would seem only to be a moment of your time but is much, much longer in the realms of no time; we would be able to give so much more information and literally fill pages with our writings. However, we attempt to remain simplified as much as possible and even still, our writings can translate at times into long or difficult-to-absorb material.

We have noted this in the minds and hearts of many who have read our communications, and we wish you all to know that we are indeed picking up on your thoughts and feelings, and we can feel you with us all now. To those who maintain a connection to our energies, we are able to feel and stay in contact with you and if you open up and attune to this contact, you may begin to find it and interact with it in yourselves.

You can begin to channel our energies and indeed, you are all channeling us even as you absorb this communication. You have the full ability to do so and your ability to connect with us is for the most part, hinged on your belief of the reality of contacting us and being able to maintain a connection with us, our energies and the energies of any other ascended souls whom you can indeed all connect with.

Yes, there are some awakening souls on your world who feel that the connection one can begin to access upon awakening must only be an access to the impressions of one’s higher self, and we ask you dear souls to see your infinity and to realize that you are capable of so much more than many of you could currently imagine.

Your bodies and spirits are literal tuners and receptors of any given energy, and you are maintaining a constant connection with your higher self and your guides.

Therefore, the intuitive information you all receive is coming from a greater, more evolved aspect of your Selves and, much like with our communications, the intuitive information is funneled-through from the dimension your higher self exists on, and the lower aspects of your higher selves existing on lower planes yet planes that are purer than those you exist on whilst on Earth, deliver such intuitive impressions to you.

In the same vein, if you make a specific effort to attune to us, your Galactic brethren, your guides or any other souls, than you absolutely will. The connection and resulting communication will still be filtered by your mind as your heart receives such a message, but you will not be inhibited in tuning into and feeling our energies, as well as communicating with us.

Make no mistake; even our communications through this scribe are filtered and paired with the heart and mind of our scribe, which is why you will notice us seeming to use certain terms and phrases that you could recognize as unique to our scribe.

We are funneling ourselves through to communicate through our scribe, and we could liken our energies coming through to an attempt to funnel something very large through a small hole. We say this in this manner because even while connecting with and feeling our energies, you are not feeling us or our impressions in their full purity (yet). This is because of the method of communication we utilize with our scribe, but this does not mean you are not still feeling us and indeed, you are.

Despite the disbelief of the validity or reality of channeling in a manner that does not see the host leaving their body, this is still a very pure and wonderful way to communicate with humanity as while you are not feeling our energies in their fullest purity, through clear scribes we are still able to get so very many informational impressions through and we are able to help you begin to feel our energy, but only you can fully attune to it.

Our scribe is able to attune to our energies if he wishes, and you dear souls are able to as well. It is simply that you must believe in the reality of what you are doing and while you may not be communicating with us in the purest forms you could be when reading channeled messages, this does not discount the validity of them on our end because we are indeed able to give so very much information.

You are feeling the energy of us as brought forth through our scribe, and you can take the impressions you are feeling and utilize them to meet with us and begin a personal communication with us, for while channeled communications are helpful and are meant to inform and assist as much as possible, they are also meant as initiators into your full ability to meet with any ascended soul whose channeled communications you have grown to resonate with.

You can meet with us within and you are encouraged to, and this is part of the reason for our communications. Another part of this reason is to help inform, uplift and assist and as we make our final impressions for this communication, we express hope that we have been able to do just that.

We will continue to be with you all as your glorious New Year of 2013 unfolds, and you will begin to be able to feel us in much more pure ways than you do at present. This is because the realms and veils between you and us will continue merging and dissolving, as you find the increasingly-pure states of consciousness accompanying your transition from one stage and frame of consciousness to another.

We Love you all so very much, and we remind you that your New Earth has only just began to form. Create upon it, for you will attract the higher dimensional energies and feelings you desire by doing so.

Thank you to the Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes.

(1) – The Hathors are speaking for the Ascended Collective in this section; the energy was not transferred from one to the other and the Hathors remained the primary speakers.

via Golden Age of Gaia