Thursday, December 27, 2012

Reminder: No Heavenly Blessings Show Tonight

via The 2012 Scenario

Reminder: No Heavenly Blessings Show Tonight

We’ll be taking this week off from the show. We look forward to returning in the new year!

In the meantime, you’re welcome to listen to any of the InLight Radio archive shows (over 190). The following link will enable you to access past show descriptions and audio files:

via The 2012 Scenario

Bliss Rising

via The 2012 Scenario

Maybe I can just poke my head in here again to mention something that’s transpiring.

And the manner in which it’s transpiring shows how little I, and maybe we, understand these matters, I think.

I’ve been watching for the expansion of consciousness in the last twelve hours. And I hadn’t noticed any, but then I began to see that what I was watching for was probably not what was occurring or going to occur.

If I was to describe what I was looking for I would take my two hands and place them on either side of my head, pointing inwards, and move them outwards, which gesture would mean “expansion of consciousness.”

But that’s not to say that something isn’t happening. It is.

If I were to make a hand gesture to indicate what’s actually happening, I would take my two hands, cup them at my mid-section and move them upwards and outwards. In other words, there’s an expansion of love and bliss.

I already know that consciousness expands with bliss. So why indeed would I expect the first kind of expansion? The more bliss I feel, the more I’m able access the inner knowledge.

When this experience started, I hardly noticed it at all. It wasn’t until I spoke to another member of a team, who was having an experience of bliss, that I tuned into myself and saw my own rising. It was very subtle at first but it isn’t subtle now. It’s very palpable, but continuing to rise slowly.

If this continues and remains, and most experiences of bliss don’t remain short of sahaja, then Archangel Michael will have fulfilled his promise and I’ll have what I need to tackle this next round of writing.

via The 2012 Scenario

Ascension is Both Gradual and Sudden – Part 2/2

via The 2012 Scenario

(Continued from Part 1.)

Aisha North’s recent column implicitly recognizes the ongoingness or gradualness of the process that is underway:

“It has already started to become lighter, and we do not mean that just in the sense of the lengthening of the days in the northern hemisphere. The light quotient on your planet has increased manyfold these last few days, as the portal that you were all instrumental in opening on the days surrounding December 21. has already been successful in delivering enormous amounts of energy down to your little planet.

“It has been likened to an enormous waterfall, and rightly so, as this incessant stream of light is just like those gigantic waterfalls you can witness out in the nature on your beautiful little planet. And just like those waterfalls, so too will this stream of light continue to replenish you all incessantly and abundantly in the times ahead.

“For now, you have all been connected to this unending stream of light, and even if the information carried within all of this light cannot yet be detected clearly, it has already started to work its magic. Not only on you, but on your whole planet, and as such, it can be likened to a second coming to use a phrase many of you are familiar with. We do not refer to any single entity here, quite the opposite, as what has arrived on your shores is for all, no exclusions will be made. For this force is an indiscriminate one, for this is from the source of love, and love knows no boundaries.” (8)

And Gaia through Susanne Lie also relates to the process as gradual:

“Patience is normal for a planet but difficult for a human. Many humans feel that they have waited a lifetime for this change. However, please remember that I am waiting too. I am waiting for you! If I were to suddenly transmute into the fifth dimension, my third dimension would no longer be habitable. Therefore, I will be patient.

“I have the option to move slowly because many of my humans have directly confronted their own darkness and dis-allowed it to rule their lives. Therefore, they can hold the Light to guide those still finding their way up from the bottom of the well. Also, I can transmute at a safe pace for my inhabitants because my Galactic Family has contained those who would damage my form in order that they might have more things and more power over others.” (9)

Thus, we will move into our New Age of New Earth slowly and patiently. In this manner, some can rush ahead to clear the way for others. Some can stay behind to assist the Lost Ones, some can continue their work of sharing the truth that shall set humanity free, and some can initiate the worldwide social and governmental changes. (10)

Notice Gaia’s validation of the notion of containment.

And finally if I can add onto this discussion that of the pause that we are in which is referred to Archangel Michael but also by Susanne’s sources.

Here is Archangel Michael describing the pushing of the pause button.

AAM: The score is this. … Think of it as a family decision, saying, slow down, because we all want to come. The plan has still need to go forward with great rapidity, by the way. But we will slow down because we want to accommodate everybody [who wants to ascend, that is.]

S: OK.

AAM: So what you are doing is literally holding the door open. So that is exactly what has transpired.

So rather than [confidential info on number] ascending, many going to a holographic Earth, a few going to an alternate universe, think of it as pushing the pause button, but even as you know, that even as the pause button is pushed, there is still recording activity. It is not that you enter no time.

So what has taken place in this what you can think of as pause, is the old third has taken its form fully as a holograph, on the outer rim, rather than separate from Gaia, she has allowed this, many are still looking outward at that holograph. It is just that, although much of life is a holograph, as you have pointed out.

And the collection is being made so that all may shift into the new form and this is being made possible not only by us who have pushed the pause button, but by each of you. You say but we are not conscious of this. But your soul is most certainly conscious of this and that is why you are so anxious. (11)

And here is Gaia through Susanne describing “active waiting” in the pause and the reason for it.

“Fortunately, the erratic progress of time will assist you during this period of active waiting.

“I say active waiting, as I must call upon your assistance. Your Unity Consciousness is a vital component of our safe transition into a higher frequency of resonance. If you, my humans, can slowly and steadily expand your perceptual field to include the higher frequencies of my planet, you can adhere your essence to that higher frequency of reality with your High Heart.

“I ask you to perceive the vision that you are climbing out of a deep well. See the ladder that travels up the inside of the well and be aware that the well is collapsing beneath you. The well is collapsing from its depths because I, Gaia, need to allow the lower dimensional frequencies to collapse into oblivion. However, I want everyone to move beyond that resonance before I close that frequency of the Matrix.

“Therefore, as you climb each rung of the ladder, you feel the collapse below you. However, I will wait as long as I can to collapse that lower frequency of Matrix. In this manner, those who wish to join our new frequency can still be adhered to my Earth body/reality. I realize that many of you have been ‘climbing this ladder’ for many years, and taking as many with you as you can. To all of you I say, Thank You!” (12)

So I was mistaken in representing Archangel Michael’s view as sudden. It is sudden and gradual. The streaming of energy on 21/12/12 was sudden but the slow ascent of all of us – or most of us – is gradual. And in the course of that ascent, we pause or enter a period of active waiting so that all can ascend together who are in the process and others who are just waking up can join the process.

And both Archangel Michael and Gaia have described a part of that gradual process, one calling it a pause and the other calling it active waiting.

I know. I know. I said I would take a vacation. But do you see how hard it is to sit still? But I am going. I am trying.


(1) Adyashanti, “Spontaneous Awakening, an Interview,” downloaded from, 12 March 2006.

(2) Ramana Maharshi in Paul Brunton and Munagala Venkataramaiah. Conscious Immortality. Conversations with Sri Ramana Maharshi. Rev. ed. 1996, n.p.

(3) Ramana Maharshi in S.S. Cohen, Guru Ramana. Memories and Notes. 6th edition. Tiruvannamalai: Sri Ramanasramam, 1993, 96.

(4) “Archangel Michael: Let Us Ease This Flight to Freedom,” Dec. 19, 2012, at

(5) Rainer Maria Rilke, The Man Watching

What we choose to fight is so tiny!

What fights with us is so great!

If only we would let ourselves be dominated

as things do by some immense storm,

we would become strong too, and not need names.

When we win it’s with small things,

and the triumph itself makes us small.

What is extraordinary and eternal

does not want to be bent by us.

I mean the Angel who appeared

to the wrestlers of the Old Testament:

when the wrestler’s sinews

grew long like metal strings,

he felt them under his fingers

like chords of deep music.

Whoever was beaten by this Angel

(who often simply declined the fight)

went away proud and strengthened

and great from that harsh hand,

that kneaded him as if to change his shape.

Winning does not tempt that man.

This is how he grows: by being defeated, decisively,

by constantly greater beings.

(6) Loc. cit.

(7) “Archangel Michael on 21/12/12 and Other Ascension-Related Matters – Part 2/2,” Dec. 26, 2012, at

(8) Aisha North: The Manuscript of Survival – Part 243,” as channeled by Aisha North, December 26, 2012, at<P>

(9) Gaia in Suzanne Lie, “The Fourth Day – Gaia and the Arcturians,” December 26, 2012, at

(10) Loc. cit.

(11) “Archangel Michael on 21/12/12,” ibid.

(12) Gaia, ibid.

via The 2012 Scenario

Suzanne Lie: The Fourth Day – Gaia and the Arcturians

via The 2012 Scenario

The Fourth Day – Gaia and the Arcturians

By Suzanne Lie – December 26, 2012

Dear Beings of my Earth, I am Gaia.

I wish to speak with you this day. As you know, in all Ascension stories the Ascending Ones must go into the underworld for three days and three nights before they can fully accept their new state of expression. I, and many of my inhabitants, have been within the underworld since our merging with the energies of 12-21-12.

As most of you know, the first thing that happens when the light increases is that the hidden darkness is revealed. Within the twilight and dawning day in which we have been living, many aspects of fear could hide in the shadows. As the Sun comes into its apex, the shadows are removed and that which has been hidden is revealed. It is the revelation of hidden darkness that creates the need of our journey into the underworld.

Once that which we wish to release is revealed, we must go deep within our SELF to find the cause and core of our attachment to that which we no longer want to experience. I, your Earth Mother Gaia, am just arising from my three days and nights in the underworld. It is not an accident that the Soul message of the birth of Christ Consciousness on December 25 was created, as it was the fourth day after December 21.

The fourth day after our journey into the underworld is the day of our rebirth. However, we are born as infants who need to be constantly loved and cared for. Hence all my inhabitants and I, including my humans, are newly born to our expanded state of consciousness. We are like Snow White and Sleeping Beauty who have been put to sleep by the evil deeds of our dark antagonist.

Hence as I, Gaia, begin my new life, I experience life much the same as I have always experienced it. However, I know that much of my perceptions are due to my habit of being third dimensional. Even though the dark cloak of my astral body has been cleared and the Prince of Light has awakened me from my long sleep with his kiss of unconditional love, I appear much as I have always appeared.

The deep scars on my body created by greed and selfishness are still there. My skies are still filled with smog and chemtrails and my waters tainted with pollution. Many of my animals and humans still suffer, and darkness still hides in deep shadows. However, those shadows only exist because our consciousness is still calibrated to the third/fourth dimension.

I, Gaia, could use my greater power to instantly shake off all these expressions of darkness. However, if I were to do so, most of my beloved life forms would cease to exist on my form. I have grown very attached to the myriad plants, animals and humans who have accepted the greater Light into their bodies in order to help their Mother Earth.

I have seen how it has been difficult for my creatures to adjust to this higher Light while still living within the darkness of fear and greed. Therefore, how could I abandon them? How could I leave behind the humans who have fought for me and the animals who have bravely faced such difficult times? I have felt the unconditional love sent to me from them, and I lovingly return it.

For a planet to ascend while maintaining a safe environment for its inhabitants has not been done before in this Galaxy. I know that I am attempting a very difficult task. I am aware that I am asking my children to bear more assault from those who fear the Light and wish to defeat it. However, I also know that all of you have been willing to enter into your underworld and are newly arisen into the Light.

Therefore, you may still be functioning through the habitual patterns of third dimensional limitations. I remind you that if one were blind for most of your life and you suddenly regained your vision, you would not understand what you were seeing. In other words, the higher version of your/our SELF has come online, but we may not yet remember how to access it.

My inhabitants have functioned under the third dimensional paradigm since the fall of Atlantis. Therefore, your perceptions are calibrated to the physical plane. Furthermore, any fears and/or disappointments that you harbor in your consciousness will limit your ability to release the known in order to recalibrate to the unknown.

I, Gaia, am still finding the point to which I can calibrate my shift without harming my beloved children. This process of finding the rate of escalation that will allow planetary Ascension without damaging my children will take that which we once called time. Fortunately, the erratic progress of time will assist you during this period of active waiting.

I say active waiting, as I must call upon your assistance. Your Unity Consciousness is a vital component of our safe transition into a higher frequency of resonance. If you, my humans, can slowly and steadily expand your perceptual field to include the higher frequencies of my planet, you can adhere your essence to that higher frequency of reality with your High Heart.

I ask you to perceive the vision that you are climbing out of a deep well. See the ladder that travels up the inside of the well and be aware that the well is collapsing beneath you. The well is collapsing from its depths because I, Gaia, need to allow the lower dimensional frequencies to collapse into oblivion. However, I want everyone to move beyond that resonance before I close that frequency of the Matrix.

Therefore, as you climb each rung of the ladder, you feel the collapse below you. However, I will wait as long as I can to collapse that lower frequency of Matrix. In this manner, those who wish to join our new frequency can still be adhered to my Earth body/reality. I realize that many of you have been “climbing this ladder” for many years, and taking as many with you as you can. To all of you I say, Thank You!

I am also aware that many have died in their attempt to reveal the lies that have kept many humans attached to a dying reality. However, my old expression of intense polarity is closing from the lowest frequencies up. Hence, those who chose not to expand their perceptions to the higher rungs will be left inside of the collapsing Matrix.

To transmute into a higher frequency Matrix without closing the lower frequencies is extremely difficult. Without the assistance of my inhabitants who have been releasing their wars of polarity to live in unity and unconditional love, it would be an impossible task. Again, I must thank my Ascending humans and transmuting animals.

The challenge of unity and unconditional love has been simpler for my animals because they have remained in unity with my Earth. On the other hand, humanity has had a more difficult time. Third dimensional thinking has often trapped them in illusion, and fear has created separation and limitation. However, again, I must thank the many humans who have assisted others to expand their consciousness beyond the grasp of fear.

Patience is normal for a planet but difficult for a human. Many humans feel that they have waited a lifetime for this change. However, please remember that I am waiting too. I am waiting for you! If I were to suddenly transmute into the fifth dimension, my third dimension would no longer be habitable. Therefore, I will be patient.

I have the option to move slowly because many of my humans have directly confronted their own darkness and dis-allowed it to rule their lives. Therefore, they can hold the Light to guide those still finding their way up from the bottom of the well. Also, I can transmute at a safe pace for my inhabitants because my Galactic Family has contained those who would damage my form in order that they might have more things and more power over others.

Thus, we will move into our New Age of New Earth slowly and patiently. In this manner, some can rush ahead to clear the way for others. Some can stay behind to assist the Lost Ones, some can continue their work of sharing the truth that shall set humanity free, and some can initiate the worldwide social and governmental changes.

I, your Mother Earth, appreciate that the few have to do the work of the many who have not yet remembered their Multidimensional SELF. Fortunately, the dark Ones will find it increasingly difficulty to adhere to my ever-raising frequency. Thus, the energies they have spent on domination will be spent on survival. Thus, their dark power over others will diminish, freeing the Awaking Ones to more easily remember their SELF.

Also, the expanding frequencies of Light integrating into my planet and into your consciousness will activate everyone’s multidimensional consciousness. Then you will easily find solutions to that which once stifled you, and Truth will shine beyond the lies. As my humans say, “Rome was not built in a day.” Neither will New Earth be revealed in one day. However, you will not build New Earth; you will perceive and merge with the New Earth that has always resonated just beyond your perceptions.

I leave you now with a closing message from my beloved Arcturian Family:

Our dear Ascending Ones,

Congratulations on your long journey through the darkness. Your eyes have not fully calibrated to the Light, nor have your ears fully calibrated to the Truth. You may not have fully embraced Multidimensional Thinking and Unconditional Love may still be beyond your understanding.

However, the very Earth vessel that you have maligned for trapping you in third dimensional Earth is the first to feel the changes in your reality. You find that the intensity of your transformation keeps you at some level of exhaustion, food has taken on a new meaning, you are ravenous for more water, and long to BE ONE with the land, sea and sky. You are feeling a great transition and following your instincts and expanded perceptions.

These expanded senses often confuse you, as there appears to be multiple realities occurring at once. You hear your SELF calling you and see the world that resonates just beyond your physical vision. You feel like an animal that needs to go into hibernation, which is true. Therefore, we advise that you begin to restructure your life. It is important that you create “time” to go inside to understand and master the new Expression of SELF that is slowly emerging from the ashes of your myriad physical incarnations.

You, our Ascending Ones, are the Phoenix Bird. Your Unity Consciousness has flown directly into the flame of transmutation. However, you did not crash, and you did not burn. But you did go into the underworld of your myriad physical incarnations. Now, your beak is rising up from the ashes. As you take wing, you initiate a New Era of peace and love.

But first, the ashes of fear and greed must be cleared. You must unite to forge your way into your new life, as the age of separation is ended. Those who choose to maintain 3D consciousness will remain in the separation consciousness of the past and become lost in the lower rungs of the ladder with the collapsing Matrix nipping at their heels. Therefore, keep expanding into the higher expressions of your SELF.

Those who can seize the day can return later to guide those who have ultimately chosen to change. Remember, some of those who appear to be the darkest have volunteered to play the dark roles in order to maintain polarity. These beings of Light are holding the 3D Matrix open to give others the chance to awaken. When the 3D Matrix can no longer survive, they will fly into the higher dimensions like arrows ejected from taut bows.

Remember to release all judgment, as judgment is the spawn of separation and polarity. There are many “double agents” among the dark forces who are working from within, just as you must work from within to clear your darkness. Remember that the third dimension is fraught with lies and illusions, so do not attach your attention to that frequency.

Instead, heal the remnants of third dimensional reality with the power of your unconditional love. Your unconditional love will transmute that which is trapped in the darkness and will attach your emanation of SELF onto the highest frequency of New Earth to which you can adhere.

Remember, if you are riding in a car that is climbing a high mountain the inside of the car remains the same no matter how far up the mountain you travel. In the same manner, as long as you perceive yourself as being inside the Oneness of Gaia, you will remain in entrainment with the planet, and your changes will occur in synchronicity with Earth. Hence, as Gaia moves into higher frequencies, your experience of Earth may appear the same because you are changing at the same pace as the planet.

When you and Gaia are increasing your frequencies in the same manner, you will be changing at the same rate, and there will not be sudden differences between you and the planet. Furthermore, because your point of perception will rise at the same pace as Gaia’s frequency, you will remain constantly calibrated with Her rate of transmutation.

At great sacrifice to Her Earth body, Gaia has lovingly chosen to dramatically slow Her pace of change so that more of her Ascending Ones can remain alive on Her body. It is for this reason that we tell you to keep up your pace rather than fall behind Gaia’s pace. Those of you who can match your consciousness with the escalating pace of Gaia’s transition are serving as the foundation of New Earth.

We know that the ever-rising frequency of your physical form will cause you more than a little discomfort. However, because you know how important you are to the creation of New Earth, and because you are united with your Multidimensional SELF, you can and will persevere and eventually flourish.

Dear Ones, you are on the cusp of your greatest adventure. Therefore, your choice of lifestyles will shift, yet again. Before 12-21-12 you sought a pace of transformation that had a deadline. Hence, many of you overtaxed your Earth vessels. We thank you for your sacrifice. However, we suggest that you take a moment of your NOW to relax and renew your energies for the next leg of your journey.

Then, you will set a slower pace to which you can adapt to each incremental shift. This journey has no deadline and no finish line. However, you will be called upon to constantly align and realign your pace of transformation with the pace of Gaia. In this manner, you can remain in entrainment with Her transmutation to best calibrate and recalibrate your perceptions, thoughts emotions and creative force with that of the planetary resonance.

Rest whenever you get a chance, for you shall be busy. However, your task is one that occurs within your ever-expanding consciousness and will be invisible to those who do not share your journey. Any remaining third dimensional needs for reward or recognition will be unveiled, giving you to opportunity to release any remnants of ego.

While you still hold attachments to time and physical reality, your mission will be more difficult. However, with your ego completely released you will feel the glory of Planetary Unity Consciousness. Consequently, old third dimensional concepts and habits will fall away like autumn leaves.

Whereas before, you had a deadline and a finish line, now you are moving into the infinity of the timeless NOW. As this NOW flows into your perception, the ONE will embrace you with Unconditional Love.

We KNOW that you are ready for WE are YOU! Besides, we are always with you.

The Arcturians

via The 2012 Scenario

Possible Ascension Experience

via The 2012 Scenario

Again not an absolutely rock-solid Ascension experience, as the sender acknowledges, but very interesting so I post. Admittedly I’m awaiting the rock-solid kind, but how can I not post a few others, they are so encouraging for us?

Hi Steve!

I’ve never sent in a comment before, but I am a huge fan of your work and thank you so much for everything you do!

I wanted to send in my account of what may have been my early ascension. On Thanksgiving day evening, as I lay down to sleep, I suddenly felt myself falling backwards in a vehicle, just like the movie, ‘Inception’. Also, as this happened I felt an immense amount of pressure building within and around my body.

Then, after what felt like mere seconds, I felt my spirit shoot extremely rapidly out of my body and this Earth into a blue/purple beautiful sky. It definitely felt like another dimension, with perfect clouds. I’m guessing it was the 5th dimension. I was floating in the air, and could fly throughout the sky at will, and it felt amazing. I did wake up after a few moments, and was truly amazed at what had just happened. I have had dreams in the past where I ascended with E.T. help, and have been following the Ascension path for many years now.

To be honest I’m not sure I did ascend, but I remembered your statement about it feeling like ‘flying upwards’, and this is definitely what happened while I was awake. Over the past few days since 12/21, I have also felt a gentle pulsating massage of my 3rd eye, as well as woken up with pillars of light surrounding and filling my cells with light.

Also, on 12/21 especially I noticed the walls of my house vibrate at times, similar to the Matrix. Shortly after midnight, I had visions of flying in deep space that were beautiful, as well as purple skies on 5D Earth, and then a graphic novel type picture book of my past lives, that probably came from the Akashic Records. I was able to flip the pages of this book, and see my former lives in pictures and symbols. I have tapped into the Akashic at least once before a few years back, when I saw President Obama as Pharaoh Ahkenaten, and a giant rotating crystal. This is partially because my 3rd eye is very open.

I wanted to pass these stories to you as encouragement that we are indeed shifting and some have ascended already I believe, possibly myself included. I can feel in my heart the inner changes and sometimes subtle signs we are in the midst of huge changes with Gaia.

Since 12/21 I have noticed much more unity consciousness, noticing how all of us often struggle with the same fears, hopes, and desires. We are very close, and I do feel strongly that January 2013 will start to usher in the big changes we have been waiting so patiently for!

In deepest admiration,


via The 2012 Scenario

Interesting Share, Not Ascension Experience

via The 2012 Scenario

This gentleman does not claim to have ascended but his share is still so interesting that I post it. I know perhaps a half dozen people that AAM has confirmed are incarnated angels so this man’s claim is not unique to my ears.

Dear Steve (and whomever else may receive these messages),

Thank you having posted part of the channelling. Thank you for even channelling Michael, because I know one of my curiosities was “Wait, so we’re in limbo and we won’t get a solid Q&A with AAM?”.

For some reason I had a very good feeling before getting cozy to read part 1, and a few paragraphs in I knew I would want to write you a quick message.

Although I have NOT ascended, I have noticed a shift of perception within myself. For years I have known that my perspective of the world has always had an angelic quality about it. I felt so innocent and perceptive to a world so blind and harmful. I yearned for a united humanity years before considering stuff like this. Paradoxically, I never told anyone this (you are the second, in fact), because I guess I felt insecure or fake or over-sentimental.

Well, over this weekend I have decided I must embody and finally integrate that feeling. I have no idea if “I am an incarnated angel”, but deep down I feel such a deep, perspicacious innocence and awe toward humanity and the universe. If I tell someone this and they don’t understand, I now know I can live with their positive or negative reaction. This is a big shift for me, especially after fiiiiinally beginning to clear my prejudice vasanas, another paradoxical quality in myself when I felt so loving in my own thoughts.

The galactics say we create our own reality. I cannot manifest a car out of thin air (just checked), but I finally FEEL like I can embody these very deep, benevolent feelings of mine. Does that not start to create my own reality? Could that be an effect of ascension energies? I don’t know; yet at the same time, if ascension turns out to be genuinely fake, I’ve become at one with and integrated one of the most important, sincere aspects of who I am. I am ascending as much as possible in the third dimension…

I am just 21 years old; over the summer I attended a 10 day meditation retreat at a Goenka facility in Massachusetts and I left with energy coursing through my forehead, then a little through my root, and a few weeks ago my crown burst open. The night before 12/12/12 I started to feel tingling over my upper chest/heart.

One year ago, I would not have accepted that this could be real. One year ago, I would have called you insane and never thought about you again. Today, I feel a simple loving connection to your work here, to other people I have not met, and most importantly to people whose motives I don’t necessarily understand and whose choices I don’t necessarily support. My degree of love has tangibly increased.

Considering the context of Michael’s message, I do not believe I am one of the people he said would contact you today. My story is not irrefutable. Like you, I still doubt this off and on. I guarantee I would believe nothing of it if I could not feel these minor energetic effects. (Unlike you, I felt nothing on the 21st and 22nd, then a day-halting migraine and fatigue on the 23rd. This is ascension?!? What a joke!)

That said, I calmly await reading part 2, where you say Michael states we are at the midpoint of ascension. That statement right there absolutely excites me, because one year ago I was on the verge of re-entering depression like I had in November 2010, I had immense confidence issues that led me into a self-dellusional relationship, and I was utterly broken, but I needed to take responsibility somehow. So I turned to Buddhism.

Six months later I attended the retreat. About three months after that, because the energy was still with me, I decided to investigate chakras and spirituality (spiritualism? I love non-American English) for the first time ever in my life. Eventually I came across NESARA. Then this website during October, which is absolutely the most grounded but most broad site I have come across.

So if Now is the midpoint of ascension, I look at where I was one year ago, and I know I will have become the best version of myself that has ever lived in one more year. The idea makes my body tingle with energy, something that only happens when I’m really truly moved.

Here and there, reading the channelling or writing this response, I’ve almost come to random tears of joy. This could be the fakest thing I’ve ever believed in, yet it may be the most rewarding thing in my life. For the first time ever, someone else said we would all feel the angelic-like yearnings I had, yearnings I believed for 20 years only I had.

I don’t know what’s happening, just that I feel pretty calm and determined to ‘ascend myself’, even though the idea of everything else staying the same haunts me. I cannot channel, and still don’t know how it works. (But I assume it has tangible effects, probably energetically, so I trust what’s on this site.) Although I felt some bliss like clockwork for four weeks a couple months ago, I haven’t felt anything this weekend. Just calmness.

Thank you.



via The 2012 Scenario