GaiaPortal: Rapidly Growing Momentum for the Light…
By ÉirePort – December 14, 2012
As a result of worldwide 12-12-12 12:12 activities, mediations, ceremonies, a rapidly growing momentum for multi-dimensional-level change has established throughout Gaia. Hue-manity is now aware of this, and yet-to-be-fully-awakened 3D humanity, soon will be.
The transformation of energies of Gaia and the full grounding (establishment on the Inner Gaia) of these Higher D energies within Gaia, ensures vibrational uplift of all Gaia inhabitants.
Sacred Gaia portals have returned to full function and effectiveness. All who are drawn to such portals become harmonized with them, and uplifted vibrationally by them.
Further portal vibrational attunements, although necessary, will be minor.
via The 2012 Scenario