This gentleman does not claim to have ascended but his share is still so interesting that I post it. I know perhaps a half dozen people that AAM has confirmed are incarnated angels so this man’s claim is not unique to my ears.
Dear Steve (and whomever else may receive these messages),
Thank you having posted part of the channelling. Thank you for even channelling Michael, because I know one of my curiosities was “Wait, so we’re in limbo and we won’t get a solid Q&A with AAM?”.
For some reason I had a very good feeling before getting cozy to read part 1, and a few paragraphs in I knew I would want to write you a quick message.
Although I have NOT ascended, I have noticed a shift of perception within myself. For years I have known that my perspective of the world has always had an angelic quality about it. I felt so innocent and perceptive to a world so blind and harmful. I yearned for a united humanity years before considering stuff like this. Paradoxically, I never told anyone this (you are the second, in fact), because I guess I felt insecure or fake or over-sentimental.
Well, over this weekend I have decided I must embody and finally integrate that feeling. I have no idea if “I am an incarnated angel”, but deep down I feel such a deep, perspicacious innocence and awe toward humanity and the universe. If I tell someone this and they don’t understand, I now know I can live with their positive or negative reaction. This is a big shift for me, especially after fiiiiinally beginning to clear my prejudice vasanas, another paradoxical quality in myself when I felt so loving in my own thoughts.
The galactics say we create our own reality. I cannot manifest a car out of thin air (just checked), but I finally FEEL like I can embody these very deep, benevolent feelings of mine. Does that not start to create my own reality? Could that be an effect of ascension energies? I don’t know; yet at the same time, if ascension turns out to be genuinely fake, I’ve become at one with and integrated one of the most important, sincere aspects of who I am. I am ascending as much as possible in the third dimension…
I am just 21 years old; over the summer I attended a 10 day meditation retreat at a Goenka facility in Massachusetts and I left with energy coursing through my forehead, then a little through my root, and a few weeks ago my crown burst open. The night before 12/12/12 I started to feel tingling over my upper chest/heart.
One year ago, I would not have accepted that this could be real. One year ago, I would have called you insane and never thought about you again. Today, I feel a simple loving connection to your work here, to other people I have not met, and most importantly to people whose motives I don’t necessarily understand and whose choices I don’t necessarily support. My degree of love has tangibly increased.
Considering the context of Michael’s message, I do not believe I am one of the people he said would contact you today. My story is not irrefutable. Like you, I still doubt this off and on. I guarantee I would believe nothing of it if I could not feel these minor energetic effects. (Unlike you, I felt nothing on the 21st and 22nd, then a day-halting migraine and fatigue on the 23rd. This is ascension?!? What a joke!)
That said, I calmly await reading part 2, where you say Michael states we are at the midpoint of ascension. That statement right there absolutely excites me, because one year ago I was on the verge of re-entering depression like I had in November 2010, I had immense confidence issues that led me into a self-dellusional relationship, and I was utterly broken, but I needed to take responsibility somehow. So I turned to Buddhism.
Six months later I attended the retreat. About three months after that, because the energy was still with me, I decided to investigate chakras and spirituality (spiritualism? I love non-American English) for the first time ever in my life. Eventually I came across NESARA. Then this website during October, which is absolutely the most grounded but most broad site I have come across.
So if Now is the midpoint of ascension, I look at where I was one year ago, and I know I will have become the best version of myself that has ever lived in one more year. The idea makes my body tingle with energy, something that only happens when I’m really truly moved.
Here and there, reading the channelling or writing this response, I’ve almost come to random tears of joy. This could be the fakest thing I’ve ever believed in, yet it may be the most rewarding thing in my life. For the first time ever, someone else said we would all feel the angelic-like yearnings I had, yearnings I believed for 20 years only I had.
I don’t know what’s happening, just that I feel pretty calm and determined to ‘ascend myself’, even though the idea of everything else staying the same haunts me. I cannot channel, and still don’t know how it works. (But I assume it has tangible effects, probably energetically, so I trust what’s on this site.) Although I felt some bliss like clockwork for four weeks a couple months ago, I haven’t felt anything this weekend. Just calmness.
Thank you.
via The 2012 Scenario