Wes Annac: The Hathors – Fourth and Fifth Density, Gaia’s Grid of Light and Humanities Life-Path Review (Part 2/2)
Channelled through Wes Annac – December 14, 2012
Continued from Part 1 above
As such, the voluntary incarnation of each and every one of you unto the Earth sees you naturally the Light-beacons and “transmuters” of the collective dense energy.
At all times you are funneling through yourselves, two different and distinct types of energy in varying frequencies. You are funneling through, absorbing and feeling increasingly-pure Light within yourselves that is helping you to ascend in the rapid fashion that is necessary for the ascension of the Earth and you are as well, experiencing and funneling-through some of the densest of Earth energies as you confront such energies head-on and transmute them with your Light. This can account for the temporary periods of depletion in many dear souls, and such depletion can be attributed to your absorbing of incredibly-pure Light as well.
This is one of many reasons you have been asked to take yourselves easy and treat yourselves lightly during these delicate yet intense processes. You are doing something that has rarely been done before because as has been expressed endlessly, the ascension of the Earth is occurring in a very rapid fashion; one that is rarely attainable on a third dimensional planet or on any planet, and this is yet another reason that the ascension of the Earth will affect multiple Galaxies and Universes.
We know of the density you dear souls are going through; we have felt them to our own extents when looking upon your Earth experience but we ask you now to turn-away from the densities of the Earth experience that you are transmuting with increasing grace and ease, and know that while you are indeed confronting such vibrations continually, you do not have to let them affect your perception in ways that see you taken off of your intended paths.
You are meant and intended to find the higher realms and ascend along with the Earth this time around and the majority of you have already built up enough positive karma and attached enough positive energy to yourselves with your mere incarnation and continual experience of the Earth as you transmute densities that would serve to block the Lighted energies you are bringing through yourselves.
This is why you are transmuting such energies as you bring incredibly-pure Light through yourselves, dear souls; because such dense energy would continue to stand in the way of the Light energies permeating the surface of the Earth and making themselves known in the ways that each one of us would like to see them made known.
Your dearest Earth has never radiated with the higher vibrations of Source more, and the various realms of the Earth are experiencing continual upgrades as each realm inches closer to the higher realms that your world has always intended to exist within naturally.
We can look upon what you would best know as “future” timelines wherein you are all rebuilding the condition your world is in, and we can say happily that your experience is to be so very fulfilling and while you will be given much help and assistance, we can see already that humanity will come together as a sovereign and sentient collective species and “take the reins” so to speak, quite quickly.
You will all remember the natural abilities you all hold within and you will remember the advanced technology you will be given that will help you to realize and feel the reality of what such technology will help you to perform, and you will find yourselves quite easily able to repair your world and find the collective harmony and unity that so many of you are striving for.
At present, many of you are starting many campaigns to see unity and oneness spread across your world and we salute each and every effort made by each and every dear soul to spread unity, peace, oneness, harmony and collective sustainability in any ways you can.
You dear souls are quite literally anchoring the higher realms and the very latent concepts that drive a higher dimensional experience with your efforts in permeating the collective consciousness with the ideas and concepts driving the higher realms, and we thank you tremendously for getting the truth of the higher realms out to the collective of Earth.
This is what you have come to do, dear souls, and you are doing it so very wonderfully and expertly.
Let all pains fade away as you realize that pain is illusory and the very experience of pain is only meant to help one appreciate when pain isn’t prevalent within oneself. That is the beauty of the higher realms, dear souls; we are able to experience pure joy and bliss as a constant and yet, we are still incredibly thankful for the joy and bliss that we feel in every everlasting moment of Now.
We are thankful for the energies we are able to bring through ourselves and interact with and we are especially thankful for the energies we are able to funnel down to the collective of Earth and see you all vastly benefit from, as you absorb such energies within yourselves.
It is so wonderful to watch you continue to peel and integrate the layers of illusion and egotistical density that tend to be fed on the Earth even at this very moment and while many of you can at times look around at the Earth collective and feel that change could not possibly come about because of the latent density still fed in much of humanity, we say that all will indeed know of ascension in the time ahead and everybody will be given the full opportunity to ascend.
We have not been the first souls to say this, dearest hearts. This issue has been discussed by plenty of sources before and we simply wish to build-upon the discussion of the reasons that everyone on your world will be able to ascend.
The fabled disclosure announcements that many of you have heard so much about, are much more deeply-rooted and multifaceted than many souls realize.
It has been known for a long time on your world that at a certain determined time toward the end of your cycle of Pisces, humanity as a collective would be informed of all of their history as it was known and seen ahead of time that the illusions cast upon the minds and hearts of humanity would be quite prevalent by the end of your lower dimensional cycle.
It was seen and known that many would still be entrapped within the Earth densities that serve to blind one’s mind and heart temporarily and when it comes to any planetary or even individual ascension, the time eventually comes during such an ascension for an individual or collective to undergo a review of their Lives and experiences using the Akashic Records.
The disclosure announcements that have been so heard of and discussed will be a facet of the collective Life path-review that will be provided with the use of the Akashic Records and this is one reason it has been expressed that no stone will be left unturned in relation to the informing of humanity.
The disclosure announcements will be a facet of humanities collective Life path-review before your entrance into the higher realms.
This has rarely been discussed through channels and has been kept occult for understandable reasons up to this point but with the many recent developments occurring that you of course do not yet hear of and can only receive glimpses of news about, we are finding much more of an ease in expressing many truths to humanity that we would not have previously been able to express for various reasons.
The cabals are truly on their last legs and there is nothing they can do to prevent the Light from moving ahead with our agenda of helping you all to find the realms of full consciousness once again by first telling you of the true history of your world and releasing every last bit of what has been hidden from you, and we ask you dear souls to ready yourselves for truths and revelations that will shock you.
We aren’t going to say that these revelations may shock you or could shock you – we know that they will but ultimately, you will be glad you had learned such things as it is better to know truths that may make you temporarily sad than to be blinded from such truths forever and experience an ignorance that blocks one from the reality of an unfiltered Life experience.
You dear souls would be quite surprised to learn just how filtered your experience of Life is at present and while many of such filters have been instated unto yourselves by you, the cabals are not without their roles in manufacturing a false society based on pure hollowness.
They have orchestrated the realities of many dear souls who find themselves comfortably entrapped within the mechanisms and Life path-patterns created by the cabals to lure as much of humanity into density as possible, and this is another reason that we in the higher realms are supremely-thankful for every one of you who are incarnate upon the surface of dear Gaia and we truly cannot express to you enough, the good that you are doing.
We cannot express this to you enough because you have Created such marvelous change upon your world and yet, you do not quite see this change reflected in your outer world and this has caused some to think that all they are working toward is for naught, and we can promise you dear souls that it is not.
What you are doing at this time is setting the stage for not just a planetary ascension, but a Universal ascension of magnificent proportions and we ask you to simply imagine each realm of dear Gaia Lighting up with your Lighted energy and experiencing an ascension that is just unparalleled.
You are going to enjoy your collective and individual experiences of ascending so much and you are to see the results of your many, many Lighted endeavors upon the surface of the Earth.
We remind you that many of you have experienced thousands of Lives upon the surface of dear Gaia and as such, the magnificent Lighted change you are Creating in your current Live did not just start in such Lives and rather, you have all been Creating and laying the framework for change within every time period of Gaia’s history, since the fall of Atlantis and well before even the establishment of Atlantis and Lemuria.
You are all Lightworkers, Light bearers and Light warriors and you have worked with all of yourselves in a plethora of connected Lives and experiences, to see-out the building of the new framework that would form Gaia’s current gird of Light.
You strived and struggled throughout a plethora of different experiences, and in many Lives you were persecuted and laughed at for the Light you attempted to bring-forth but you brought such Light forth and through yourselves anyway quite happily and the result of this, dear souls, has been the grand establishment of the pure Light grid of dear Gaia that you are now working toward feeding as exponentially as possible with your wonderful, shining Lighted energies.
The hard part of your job is done, dearest souls and you are now working toward pumping-up the purity of energies expressed on Gaia’s surface and fed and funneled through Her wonderfully-established Light grid.
We Love you all so very much and as we make our final impressions for this communication, we remind you that you have the full opportunity and ability to access the higher realms and that your only instated barriers are the ones you form within yourselves. We will continue to remind you of this as will plenty of other sources in the higher realms, as it is the most important truth for you all to absorb at this time.
Thank you to the Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes.
via The 2012 Scenario