Wes Annac: The Hathors – Fourth and Fifth Density, Gaia’s Grid of Light and Humanities Life-Path Review (Part 1/2)
Channelled through Wes Annac – December 14, 2012
You are recalibrating yourselves as you reach pure states of consciousness, perception and awareness that serve to initiate you further into your higher dimensional experience. We are working with each one of you to help you better assimilate the energies you are absorbing unto yourselves and benefitting from at this time, and you are and have been undergoing a literal transformation from one state of perception to another.
The changes in perception many of you are beginning to find can be considered quite extraordinary, as you are peeking into realms beyond your conscious perception and finding a supreme upliftment and enlightenment from each peek you allow yourselves.
Your month December is brimming with energy and all that you will find within yourselves will initiate you further into an elevated state of consciousness, which you will find resulting from the work you have all put into your ascension processes.
Whilst many of you have struggled along your Life paths, we and you alike can feel that matters on your world and in your personal Lives are leading to an ultimate revolution of mind and heart. We are able to watch you absorb and assimilate continually-purer energies unto yourselves as you find them in yourselves, and what we find when looking upon your Earth experience is that many of you are finding the higher realms all around you and yet, some don’t seem to realize it.
Understand and know that all that you experience at this time is paving the road for the higher realms to come forth and be known more fully within yourselves, and understand that you are the driving force bringing your higher dimensional reality to you and as such, it is important to allow yourselves the necessary clarity and understanding in your Lives.
You are constructed of the very higher dimensional energy making its way to you now and you have the full ability to access it, so you must take the necessary “leap of faith” and allow yourselves to believe and know that what you experience in your everyday Lives is not the same old physicality over and over again but is in fact, a continual sign of the road you are paving with each effort, toward the higher realms.
You are finding your higher dimensional experience and we quite enjoy watching you find these realms in your own ways by undergoing unique and individual lessons along your Life paths, and we should express that when existing within the higher realms once again, all worries and tribulations fade away and you experience only pure joy and bliss.
Every worry and concern you dear souls may have whilst you undergo a temporary and finite lower dimensional Earth experience, simply fades away in the supreme and wonderful Light of our Creator which is easily accessible in the realms of the fifth dimension and beyond. [The Earth collective] will be traveling through the realms of the fourth dimension, and the plan for your travels throughout the fourth dimension entails you learning fourth dimensional lessons whilst you help to repair the condition your world is in.
You will zoom quite quickly through the realms of fourth density depending on your ability to assimilate and work through lessons you will be given as a collective, and you are to be quickly initiated into the realms of the fifth dimension where you will see and feel once again all around you, the wonderful vibrations of Source as they pervade and permeate every aspect of your grand, Divine structure of Being.
Each one of you is the Creator in a third [and fourth] dimensional form and whilst you have been split and divided, your inherent unity has always been and will always be felt and known. Humanity has temporarily forgotten their connection to each other but your unity will be made known to you all in the time ahead, as will the importance of establishing it within your Earth collective and finding it once again.
There was a time when the entire collective of Earth experienced enormous benefits while Living on this wonderful, higher dimensional planet, as all were united in peace and harmony with the one goal of helping other Galaxies and Universes to find ascension.
The Earth was at a time, a hub for the Light Forces who were and are working with every facet of ourselves to help many other planets, Galaxies and Universes to ascend, and the surface of Earth reflected the higher dimensionality that was prevalent and established as normal on Her surface by the Light Forces inhabiting such surface.
Each one of us who existed on your Earth before the darkness began making itself known on Her surface performed much work to help many other planets ascend that are at present, brimming examples of higher dimensional planets. The races of such planets we have helped to ascend are a part of the Galactic Federation and numerous other Lighted Organizations who are helping to see-out the ascension of the Earth and again, a plethora of other worlds in preparation for the Universal ascension that we are all undergoing.
The ascension of the Universe has not yet been spoken of very much within a plethora of channeled communications and suffice to say, the ascension of the Earth is a very key factor in the ascension of the Universe hosting the Earth because again, the Earth was originally a beacon for the Light forces and instead became taken-over by the energies and heart sets that feed darkness.
The darkness that has been established on the Earth hurt Gaia to Her very core and almost saw Her needing to exit Her planetary incarnation and as such, the complete revival of dearest Gaia and Her and your ascension as well, will cause a great and grand ripple-effect throughout the entire Universe and this very ripple-effect will help a plethora of other planets and even Galaxies to ascend.
Yes, dear souls, your ascension is that strong and that important.
While being so important to the ascension of the entire Universe, the ascension of your planet is also completely assured and though it was already assured from the beginning, a strong indication of the assurance of the victory of the Light is the surrender and transfer to the side of the Light, of the Annunaki.
The mass migration of the Light Forces unto the Earth and the resulting Light you have all brought forth has helped the Light Forces to establish a grand grid of Light upon and within Gaia, and this grid is working from the template of the previous grid that was established whenever Gaia was first birthed as a planet, with the added newer Light of each and every one of you who are incarnate on Her surface for the very purposes of anchoring the Light that is bringing Gaia out of darkness and helping each and every one of you to ascend.
You have all added your own personal touches to the Light you have given through yourselves and used to help establish and feed the grid of Light upon dearest Gaia at this time and for this, the entire Universe thanks you; for you have performed the greatest miracles of all.
You have all helped to see-out the ascension of Gaia in the most grand and marvelous of ways and we can feel the anticipation and the excitement of many of you for matters to “get off the ground” and start moving, but we wish you to know that the change you are and have been Creating will see the outcome you have desired and worked toward for so very long. You have to believe in and know that what you are doing is real to experience the benefits of your actions and we know you dear souls can feel the reality of what you are doing, for you are being given endless validations from the realms of full consciousness.
You are all on Earth from the realms of full consciousness and you are extensions of the higher dimensional oversoul that is hosting your lower dimensional experience. You are an extension of your higher self and this is why the importance of connecting with your higher self could not be expressed enough, because by doing so you are finding and establishing a link with a greater and more knowledgeable part of your Self whom you can bask in the sheer Light and knowledge of.
You can find a quite literal home with your higher self and as you are extensions of the ultimate oversoul-consciousness of your higher self, the connection you will find will see you completely limitless in your ability to feel, know and express your multidimensionality.
You are multidimensional and multifaceted beings by nature and everything that you do in your Lives is seeing you interact with a reflection of yourselves in one way or another. This is especially true in your dream time, and you are continually given messages in your dreams that are pertinent to where you dear souls are at along your Life paths at any given moment.
Your dreams are used to give you encoded and encrypted signs and messages for you to remember, decode and understand and if you employ too much density within your Earthly Lives, you will be inhibited in remembering and benefitting from your dreams which are again, meant to help you and give you advice along your paths.
There are a great few things still holding many souls back from finding the higher realms within themselves and most of the blockages that many experience are the results of Earthly things that they can fully get away from and experience the benefits of the higher realms through a much less distorted lense after doing so. We wish for those who are still employing Earthly densities in their Lives to know that the hollow nature of your very [perceived] need for such things will be made known to you as you climb the higher realms more and more, and see how easy it is to interact with your reality by turning within.
Each of you are finding an awakening in your own individual and unique ways and we say that your “surrender” so to speak to the energies and realities of the higher realms will see you as uninhibited as you have wanted to be, in finding and feeling the higher dimensions of consciousness for yourselves. Our very jobs and missions as guides and helpers are to see you dear souls able to ascend individually whilst bringing massive amounts of incredibly-pure Light through yourselves, and we have watched as you absorbed every last bit of Light necessary for Gaia to ascend.
You see, when it comes to the ascension of dearest Gaia there is a delicate balance in play; as Earthly conduits are needed to funnel-through the energies of the higher realms that are being made known increasingly on your world at this time, as well as transmute the density that has been manifested and fed on your Earth for so very long.
Part 2 continues below
via The 2012 Scenario