Maybe I can just poke my head in here again to mention something that’s transpiring.
And the manner in which it’s transpiring shows how little I, and maybe we, understand these matters, I think.
I’ve been watching for the expansion of consciousness in the last twelve hours. And I hadn’t noticed any, but then I began to see that what I was watching for was probably not what was occurring or going to occur.
If I was to describe what I was looking for I would take my two hands and place them on either side of my head, pointing inwards, and move them outwards, which gesture would mean “expansion of consciousness.”
But that’s not to say that something isn’t happening. It is.
If I were to make a hand gesture to indicate what’s actually happening, I would take my two hands, cup them at my mid-section and move them upwards and outwards. In other words, there’s an expansion of love and bliss.
I already know that consciousness expands with bliss. So why indeed would I expect the first kind of expansion? The more bliss I feel, the more I’m able access the inner knowledge.
When this experience started, I hardly noticed it at all. It wasn’t until I spoke to another member of a team, who was having an experience of bliss, that I tuned into myself and saw my own rising. It was very subtle at first but it isn’t subtle now. It’s very palpable, but continuing to rise slowly.
If this continues and remains, and most experiences of bliss don’t remain short of sahaja, then Archangel Michael will have fulfilled his promise and I’ll have what I need to tackle this next round of writing.
via The 2012 Scenario