Thursday, December 13, 2012

Video: Jack the Watcher – Sharing Universal Healing and Wisdom

via The 2012 Scenario

Video: Jack the Watcher – Sharing Universal Healing and Wisdom

Suzy Ward sent this to me and while it relates to yesterday’s 12/12/12 portal, it is just as relevant today.

Suzy has not only authored the Matthew books, but also wrote Conversation With Animals Part 1 and Part 2. As she knows, even the animals are helping us with our upcoming Ascension.

This video is based on the communications Jean Rockefeller and her horse, Jack (aka Jack the Watcher), have had regarding what lies ahead. Jack asked Suzy to forward this video on and has charged it with a message from all our animal friends to support our awakening, reinforce our realisation that we are all connected to everything that exists upon Earth and beyond, and to assist in our Ascension.

Click here to view the embedded video.

Suzy writes: In my note at the end of Matthew’s May 1, 2012 message I told you about an exceptional horse named Jack who shares his astounding “old soul” wisdom on

I’ve been privileged to have several endearing chats with Jack. Tonight he asked me to forward the link (of this video) to everyone who could benefit from seeing this video that Jean sent me earlier today.

I think you will – just as I did!



via The 2012 Scenario