Nancy B. Detweiler: Now What?
Stephen: Nancy has such a wonderful way of expressing situations and experiences that many of us can relate to. She also makes us think – and deeply – while doing so. Naturally, Nancy does both again here…
You may recall that Nancy appeared on The Light Agenda and shared her story back in August. You can listen to that interview here.
By Nancy B. Detweiler, M.Ed., M.Div. Pathway to Ascension – December 25, 2012
A little over 30 years ago, I answered the call from Ascended Masters Jesus & St. Germain to help with the churches. Even as a very young child, I had questioned the orthodox teachings of Christianity.
No one had to tell me. I innately knew that a God of Love could not at the same time be a God of vengeance, of eternal punishment, of violent solutions to humanity’s state of darkness. LOVE CAN ONLY BE LOVE! It’s a long story told elsewhere.[i, below]
I knew that I was a unique combination of orthodox seminary training and years of metaphysical study. In 1980, I had entered a private counseling practice that afforded me the freedom to use the outstanding counseling tools of esoteric astrology and past life regressions, in addition to teaching meditation and metaphysics.
The advantage of these counseling services were that they allowed my clientele to get to know Who they truly are—a spirit being having a physical experience in accordance with their own unique, extremely personal Soul Plan. These services flew in the face of traditional modalities based on standardized testing and counseling based on the concept of one life to live as a being separate from God, who was also subject to the erratic behavior of a capricious God.
Needless to say, I was also utilizing tools condemned by orthodox Christianity, which to this 4th day of the planetary shift to the New Aquarian Age are still ignored—if not outright shunned—with the exception of meditation.
I say all of this to make a point: those of us who have pioneered with out of the box modalities, research, and teachings that have sought to reveal Truth have worked for decades with our professional credibility of the line. We have been shunned, condemned, rejected, laughed at, and ridiculed. Many of our family members and friends have wondered about our sanity, sometimes to the point of it being frightening. On a higher, more world-wide level, pioneers have been assassinated, suicided, killed in accidents, tortured, imprisoned on made-up charges, families threatened or actually killed, and/or had their careers destroyed—to name a few of the grotesque methods humanity can dream up.
Why on earth would we persist? Why not simply quit and go sit out the traditional “one life to live” in the status quo box?
Because we who have stuck our necks way out on a limb have seen through the subtle lies all Earth humans have been told for the express purpose of totally enslaving each and every one of us. We are taught we are free while being strictly controlled in the orthodox box of religion, politics, education, economics/business, human relationships, i.e. mind control and fear. And one of the most vicious techniques of control … teaching humanity that we are alone in the Universe and even if we were not alone, the extraterrestrials would come to Earth only to conquer or annihilate us … when in Truth, we all originated in the stars. Our true families are the galactic sisters and brothers we are taught to fear. We have been deprived of our star families’ technology—technology that could easily and quickly solve every problem on this planet! [ii]
Around 2000, Lightworkers—as many pioneers are now called—began work in earnest (at least from my perspective). Not to discredit all the thousands who have pioneered for at least the past 100 years and laid the metaphysical foundation for us, like Alice Bailey, Helen Blavatsky, Charles Fillmore, Edgar Cayce, Ernest Holmes, Elizabeth & Mark Prophet, Yogananda, and A.D.K. Luk. We knew the planetary shift to the New Aquarian Age was only 12 years into our future.
Let me back track a moment. During the 1960s, a cultural revolution began with a movement for world peace and more personal freedom to be who we are as unique human beings. African Americans wanted equal rights … women desired equal rights … gays/lesbians wanted equal rights and to be open with their sexual identity. We can learn how enslaved we are by remembering how each of these groups were treated. Drugs were introduced to the flower children—creating a culture of drug addicts; violent treatment of African Americans continued; and women were converted from baby (one more work hand on the farm) producers into sex objects in the work place.
Pioneering Lightworkers have risked professional credibility, careers, and, in many cases, given up financial security in an effort to awaken Earth humans to the movement toward complete enslavement by the few who hold complete power[iii] and trillions of dollars in stolen gold and other natural resources.[iv] Because those in control are well versed in the prophecies of the planetary shift, they stepped up their rush to totally enslave or kill Earth humans through wars, disease, chemically laden food and water, vaccinations, and a variety of other ways. The battle to continue in power has been brutal and unrelenting.
Slowly, Earth humans began to awaken to the plight being created for them. But still, many cling to the old and familiar—looking to the authorities to tell them what to do, what to believe, what to think—not recognizing that in doing so they willingly give up their own power. Unknowingly, the sheeple (the power elite’s term for Earth humans) support the very people who are systematically enslaving them.[v]
As the December 21, 2012 date given for the planetary shift by myriad sources drew ever nearer, many did awaken. Lightworkers worked night and day, many seven days weekly, to get the word out … to offer assistance in preparation for what was by this time called “Ascension into Higher Consciousness.”
Lightworkers had become aware that on December 21, 2012, all time lines converged into One that propelled our planet from darkness into Light. It was the date Earth reached the zero point.[vi] Our planet would ascend to the 5th dimension where only Love and Light abide.
Although the opinions as to how fast or how slow this great transformation would take place have varied considerably, most—if not all—Lightworkers expected to witness noticeable change, within ourselves and in some external manifestation. With much excitement, we worked toward this magical date. A multitude of communications from our off-world brothers and sisters—here to assist us in making this shift and to create the New Earth—also expected some form of tangible evidence. We were primed to celebrate that at last Earth humans would awaken to higher consciousness. Many of us had stuck our necks way out … taking the risk of losing all credibility.
Why did we do so? Because our Soul Mission is to do just that. Our Soul knew the Divine Plan for Earth humans-–that we are to create a world that works for everyone, that leaves out not one single human being on this planet. Our Mother/Father God created Earth as a paradise. Earth humans have all but destroyed it and us. Lightworkers have known there is a better way—the Unity of One Consciousness.
So when December 21, 2012 arrived, we expected fireworks—at least internally. Although some, including me, felt an intensity of energy, a knowing that many beings were present with us, many were disappointed. The Christmas rush went on as if nothing had happened. The naysayers joked “we are still here,” although not a single ancient prophecy predicted the end of the world. That was a disinformation fear tactic and it managed to generate a lot of fear.
At first, I felt disappointment. Then, the more I thought about it, the more I felt that Lightworkers had been slapped in the face. I was angry and I let spirit know it! (I suspect they just enfolded me in love and allowed me to vent … )
Here, many of us had worked night and day for weeks to help as many as possible to be prepared, to know how to ascend … and the universe, with tongue in cheek, made the shift to a New Age so calmly that we could barely perceive it. Now, the naysayers could really make fun … “see, we told you so………….” Now, the people who believed in the Lightworkers’ word would be disappointed, angry at us, reasonably upset because they, too, wanted a world that works for everyone.
After having a good cry and letting spirit have it, I can now begin to ask “What now?”
I highly recommend a good cry and verbal release for all disappointed Lightworkers. It clears the energy field, so we can once more look to the future and forgive/forget what has been.
A brilliant Lightworker, Dr. Suzanne Lie, brought in a message from her Arcturian family on December 24. The part that struck me with a new realization was: “Time is based on resistance. Hence, time does not exist in the same manner in realities that are NOT based on the hard boundaries and resistance of the third dimension. Instead, time in higher realities is based on the timeless Flow of the ONE. When there is nothing to resist, such as going to work, wishing to leave work, escaping traffic, fighting with your boss or mate, getting well and/or reaching your location, time will flow much as light flows.” [vii]
Earth’s ascension to 5th dimension meant the end of linear time and the shift to the timeless Flow of the ONE.
Does this mean that as we adjust to the timeless Flow of the ONE that we will also become more pliable … more open to the new and more fulfilling … more receptive to messages of Truth?
Does this mean all Earth humans will stop resisting the changes that must come as we create a New Earth?
It is for sure, we cannot create a New Earth while clinging to old beliefs, old ways of doing things, old ideologies and organizational affiliations that have not worked for years.
“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away.”
What NOW?
[i] My 1st book, A New Age Christian: My Spiritual Journey is still available FREE + postage on my website:
[v] Sheeple = a term of disparagement in which people are likened to sheep, a herd animal. The term is used to describe those who voluntarily acquiesce to a suggestion without critical analysis or research. They undermine their own individuality and may willingly give up their rights.
[vi] This fun lecture film gives a comprehensive astronomical explanation of events on 12/21/12:
via The 2012 Scenario