Friday, December 21, 2012

Rachel Snyder: This is No Time for Timid Hearts

via The 2012 Scenario

This Is No Time for Timid Hearts

Rachel Snyder

This is no time for timid hearts

For holding back your most precious gifts in the face of fear of retribution

For wedging yourself into a doorway while you wonder

if you are worthy of entrance

For sitting interminably on a fence whose only purpose is

to separate you from your very self

This is no time

This is no time to utter whatever from a place of rarefied observation

To be carried along buoyed by neither aim nor intention

To let life live you blithely while you relinquish your birthright of free will

To sanction guilt and obligation as they hold sway

over your most fervent desires,

This is no time

This is no time for equivocation, for hedging and backsliding

For whimpering and decrying all that you have created

For playing victim to predators of any stripe, be they real or illusory

For abdicating personal responsibility in the face of a

preponderance of evidence,

If ever there was a time, it is not now

For forthright declaration of your deepest truths

This is the time

For standing your ground for causes that bear the mantle of justice

This is the time

For fostering unadulterated freedom that rings out

above the screech of politics and posturing,

For inaugurating new byways of sustainable evolution

by lifting one hand after another

For redeeming without hesitation the wonderful

that you believed was gone forever

This, right now, is the time

This is not the time to take the bait of vulturous fearmongers

To withhold the emanations of your frangible heart

To stockpile the succulent flowerings of your soul

To hurl at others the boomerang of judgment or culpability

(lest it return to its rightful owner)

This is not the time

If you have ever yearned to unleash your passions

Ached to be exponentially more than you have dared to be

Hungered for a greater humanity within and without

Longed for connection that defies the so-called bounds

of time and space

And have known for eternity that you were born to be Love,


Right here

Right now

This is the time.

Originally posted here:

Spanish Version:

via The 2012 Scenario