Andrea Scully, Co-owner, The 2012 Scenario Discussion Group
Spending the last year in the 2012 discussion forum has been such a blessing and a learning experience for me. It has truly been the most heart expanding experience of my life so far. It’s so incredible and miraculous that anything in a virtual realm could become so dear to me and such a lifeline.
I couldn’t have imagined a more magical mirror of relationships than it has been. It has mirrored back to me my own beauty in the beauty of others, bouncing back and forth, and increasing this awareness and its energies exponentially.
What I couldn’t imagine would appear in my life has also been deeply moving for others. There has always been an overtone of love and gratitude in our sacred space in this forum, but the last couple of days have brought an out-pouring of it. I’d like to share some of the comments with you.
… This morning … I feel mostly gratitude. Tears keep coming, but I’m not sad or happy, just full of gratitude.
I’m so thankful to have found this group. All of you add so much to my experience of life. I don’t think I’d have made it through the dark nights of the soul I’ve experienced this past year without you. Even just reading others’ thoughts when I was too weak to post, helped me make it through. I have a great sense of well-being right now, a deep, deep Knowingness that All Is Well.
I’m grateful that, even though we’ve never met face-to-face, I have Family here. Genuine Family. My words seem inadequate right now, so I’ll sign off. Just want you all to know how much I cherish this family, finally feeling like I fit in somewhere, I’m not the odd, crazy “wild child” that my Earth family thinks I am…..well, maybe I am that, but it’s ok here, y’know what I mean?
…In the process of feeling “less than,” I got that I should look at how far I really had come from all those years ago. I started looking through different glasses, gratitude glasses. I realized that I was a totally different person than I was back then when I was so asleep. I may be making baby steps, but I’m stepping forward, and making progress when I’m honest with myself.
What I get very deeply is that I agreed to do it the “hard way” so that I’d really, really get it. Sometimes they have to knock me up one side of the head in order for me to reeeeeaaaalllly get it. Once I looked at that, I got that the best help for someone who’s in pain is to have been through it yourself. When you can honestly say to someone “I’ve been there, I can relate to your pain, this is how I felt, this is what I did that helped……”, Then you can really do some good with them.
From this I got that there’ll be many coming behind us that will be confused, fearful, falling apart at some of the things they will be experiencing. I’ll be able to relate to so much of it because I have lived it myself, and come out victorious. It will be an honor to be of service to those souls. We’re being groomed.
Our willingness to do the work now and not judge ourselves will be what makes the difference when all hell breaks loose for those who are now unaware of what’s to come. We agreed to be here for this reason.
We didn’t want the easy way, our intention was not to come here for ourselves. It was for them. And we are getting closer and closer to that day. We’re suiting up, releasing the baggage so we can move at a moment’s notice. We’re the A Team, ready, willing and ABLE to do what we came here to do! I trust, you, dear sisters, to be by my side, knowing that you have done your homework, passed the test, and graduated. We’re ready.
Remember all the flurry just before graduating from high school? Remember the exhilaration that you’d finally done it….but the apprehension at leaving the safety of all your classmates and beloved teachers and the familiar routine of school? I do, and it feels like that to me right now. Let’s take it a moment at a time and stay awake! I love you all.
After having some significant heart flutters today, I have to say I feel much more centered in myself, and really connected to my IAM presence.
Thank you all for sharing, and for your support this past year. I know I don’t post that often but all of you have helped so much, and I’m very grateful to be here.
Also spread Love and my light mingled with the Love from Gaia to all over this world, all the realms of space and our universe reaching up with my sincere and blissful thanks to the Divine Mother and All-There-Is.
May I tell you that it was heavenly ?
Oh, what a glorious feeling it was. Anyways my day was a very positive and love-filled day with some nice synchronistic events happening and although I didn’t experience anything gigantic I feel a very solid feeling of inner love and peace and a seeming end to the need to search for something…
Hello Dear Ones:
The feeling I’m experiencing today is like no other. Subtle? Yes. Profound? Yes. Pure unadulterated bliss, joy, contentedness, connectedness, love. Exquisite and profound gratitude to all of you on this list serve and all who follow the blog. I don’t know if I’d have reached this level of ascension without you, but I do know, by being here with all of you, even if my deep, inward journey necessitated me to be mostly a “lurker” and not a poster, I wanted to reach out today and share this amazing place I’m at today on 12/12/12.
I love you all, profoundly, and will be forever grateful for this amazing community, tribe of loving pilgrims.
It’s wonderful reading about everyone’s 12-12-12 experience. I’m buzzing away since yesterday afternoon when I went to the roof of my condo building yesterday afternoon to contemplate. Looked out at the seemingly endless city so full of promise… the Hollywood sign in the distance… and felt overwhelmed by Gratitude and Love for All.
I cannot describe my love and gratitude for being a part of this global awakening. When I was six years old, I had an experience where I was filled with love and knew that I was going to discover something. Well, I believe that it discovered me. I’m humbled by my experience this past year and the love and kindness in this group.
You are the Light of the World!
We’re the Wayshowers, the Lightworkers, the humble, here to guide all that are willing to a better way, a better world and a transformation we have longed for over many, many lifetimes of struggle, suffering and steadfast commitment.
I love you all <3
In service, love and profound gratitude,
Thank you, beloved friends, for being here, for sharing your love and your insights, for emanating a fragrance of your Being through your writings, for mirroring back what’s essential to look at, for taking in what people share, for your acceptance and willingness to let everyone be,… and so much more… and for the many beautiful hours I’ve been allowed to spend with you.
I feel tremendously blessed to have found this group back in January. Without your inspiration, your words resonating, many things would not have come up in me so easily.
Responding to you, I’m often full of wonder, watching how insights unfold in me during the process of writing, leading me deeper into truth, into what I am.
Without the chance to write to you, many perceptions, learnings, sensations would have not come to my consciousness. In front of an empty sheet of paper I have nothing to say, except for an old man’s mind chatter, but this isn’t what I desire to communicate. Only in response to an energy reaching my field does the impulse to talk arise.
And this talking, using words to share energetic happenings, or knowing without knowledge, helps my own mind to understand, gives focus, brings the Being’s experiences into conscious awareness.
Without you, my life would be much poorer and these days less smooth…
Thank you, friends, i enjoy being in your presence … give and receive… be…
Thank you, Steve, for having initiated this group together with Michael. My heart bubbles from joy thinking of you right now… Thank you, Andrea, for your ever-loving and sharp-witted lead of this forum, a real commune mother you are (ahh, let s replace mother by goddess^^)… My heart is with you, sister…
I love you guys, All of you :-*
Dear Ones
I’ll confess: I was asleep at 12:12 a.m. but took full advantage of the midday portal to do some meditation and it was just plain incredible. The volume of joy in me has lifted to levels that I heretofore didn’t realize existed.
Whatever happens on the 21st, I now have proof positive that it will be magnificent. We Are. And, We Are One.
Enjoy the Portal.
Light and Love, Peace and Power to you my friends and light family!
via The 2012 Scenario