Monday, December 24, 2012

The Mantram of the New Group of World Servers

via The 2012 Scenario

Thanks to Kathleen.

The Mantram of the New Group of World Servers

Working in all the main fields of human activity and in all countries everywhere in the world, the New Group of World Servers acts as a synthesising factor within humanity and lays the foundations for right human relations and ultimate world unity.

May the Power of the one Life pour through the group of all true servers.

May the Love of the one Soul characterise the lives of all who seek to aid the Great Ones.

May I fulfill my part in the one Work through self-forgetfulness, harmlessness, and right speech.

Click here to view the embedded video.

A strong subjective relation exists between all servers of the Plan. This coherent, integrated group is transmitting spiritual energy throughout all areas of human thought and action to strengthen world unity and right human relationships. Men and women of goodwill link up in thought every day at five o’clock with this world group of servers, using this mantram with dedication and silent, focussed attention.

This can be done in a few seconds of time wherever one may be.

This mantram probes more deeply into the spiritual essentials of progress on the Path by accepted disciples than almost any other mantram we have. Its contemplation and daily use brings in a flood of divine energy. As used by an individual it is a pledge by the personality to the soul. As used by a group it produces group alignment and consecration to world service. It is a direct appeal to God and when sincerely used with firm intent inevitably evokes response.

The three required essentials for the world server: self-forgetfulness, harmlessness, and right speech, cover the entire life expression of a pledged world disciple, a pledge he has taken to his own soul and which he demonstrates as a disciple in the ashram of his Master.

Please promote the flow of goodwill and send this link to a friend.

via The 2012 Scenario