Sunday, December 2, 2012

An Hour with an Angel Features the Divine Mother on the Meaning of the Universe and the Context of Ascension

via The 2012 Scenario

On this week’s An Hour with an Angel, we’ve asked the Divine Mother to join us. I’ve published a number of articles designed to help us understand who is speaking to us. (1)

I asked Archangel Michael in my last reading what questions I should ask of her and he suggested some very philosophical questions such as the meaning of the universe, how the universe was constructed, what the context of Earth and its Ascension is in the broader scheme of the universe, and what is our role in being here at this time.

An Hour with an Angel airs Mondays at 5:00 p.m. Pacific time

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After that I plan to ask her what all is going on behind the scenes in the preparations for Ascension, whether the fact that we’re ascending in our physical bodies means that we’re going to an area and dimension of the universe that is wholly new, whether duality will exist anywhere in this universe, and what will transpire that sees the disabled be healed and the old made young again.

So this is another sleeves-rolled-up discussion with she who is the creator of all things. Only two more programs after this before Dec. 21. Be sure not to miss it.


(1) “The Divine Mother is not a God Among God,” at, the series “Ascension is Sahaja Samadhi,” that begins here, and and “The Unfoldment of the Divine Mother’s Plan,” that begins here

via The 2012 Scenario