Bella Capozzi: Sananda – Make No Mistake, You Shall Be Called Into Service
By Bella Capozzi, December 9, 2012
No matter your age, your profession, your current circumstances in life… make no mistake, you shall be called into service.
By way of your ministrations, you shall heal. Through your words, you shall impart knowledge. Your presence shall serve to awaken the lost and the seeking. In the course of your work, you shall be one who enters into a darkened room and, like a beacon, suffuses it with the Light.
By virtue of your existence, you bring hope, peace and the quiet promise of a kinder, more compassionate world. They shall look for you in days to come, these gentle souls. Be to them the stars which brighten their darkened skies; be as the sun, rising up to illuminate the path they walk, to light their way.
Your presence here is that of a living, breathing significator of the dawning of the new age, and in due time they shall grow to recognize you as such. These times are charged with promise. All is aglow with possibility.
You are the Placeholders and the Wayshowers. It is your responsibility to guide and to teach by example. Select your words with great care, as the spoken word wields the power to either uplift or tear down. Be cautious. Think before you speak and act, lest you wound your Brother, be it deliberate or unintentional. Exercise compassion and discernment and goodness. Decide only with your heart.
Worry not that you might miss hearing the call when it comes, and that you shall miss your golden opportunity to be of service. Worry not, as such a thing is impossible. The timing of your activation is a Divine one and was predetermined prior to your birth. In a manner of speaking, you are hard-wired to receive it. There is nothing which you need to do, and no particular training which you need to undertake.
It is already done. You were born ready.
Dispense with any fears you have, that you may not be up to the task. This is your ego speaking, so silence it with loving kindness and send it off to be healed.
Do as you normally do, be who you are and go where you would go. The call shall come, regardless.
Do nothing other than to keep an open heart and mind, and an ear tuned in to your inner voice. Then await your calling.
via The 2012 Scenario