Sunday, December 9, 2012

GaiaPortal: Rapid Movement through Energetic Upgrades

via The 2012 Scenario

Gaia PortalGaiaPortal: Rapid Movement through Energetic Upgrades

By ÉirePort – December 08, 2012

Movement of Hue-manity through energetic upgrades process is taking place as each Hue-person lives increasingly in the moment to moment. Release of prior levels is encouraged more and more strongly by the incoming 12-12-12 through 12-21-12 period.

Formerly used paradigms are being released and Higher D multiple paradigms are being embraced.

Smooth running on smooth seas is supported.

humanity (small “h”) not-fully-awakened are not assisted in their sleep desires. And cannot stay with smooth waters. Such may awaken as Tsunamis of Awakening Energy enter the planet during the 12-12-12 through 12-21-12.

Hue-manity given opportunities for assistance of humanity (small “h”), with primary intention of Gaia-full-awakening.

Planetary 3D preparation nears completion for accommodation of not-fully-awakened humanity (small “h”) during next galactic cycle.

via The 2012 Scenario