Hilarion: Your Individual Light is Expanding in a Greater Radius Than Ever Before
As channeled by Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana – December 09, 2012
The energy levels continue to build and most of you are experiencing many downloads of this incredible assistance from the higher realms and dimensions. Your individual Light is expanding in a greater radius than ever before and this Light is a catalyst of awakening for those within its vicinity. Your placement upon the planet is no accident, for your Light and the Light moving through you is needed to hold, anchor and radiate in all directions to join in unison with other conduits so that there is a network of Light around the world.
Daily establish a connection and an inner dialogue with your higher Self and intend a greater alignment with the gentle and loving voice within. No matter what may arise from within your human outer self, know that within the core of your essence, all is aligned with the coming events that are to occur. You are here upon this planet representing humanity as a conduit for the greater good of all. As each of you experience greater remembrance of your true nature, you will align with others of the same frequency and vibration along the crystalline grid as it is reestablished in power and strength in the coming days.
The Light that you each hold will enable those around you to come into an awareness of the greater Cosmic events that are unfolding. Allow yourselves the joy of this journey and surrender to the promptings of your heart. Release all that has held you back from uniting in Oneness with your greater Self and be open to the insights that come to you. As you focus upon the attributes of the spirit of Love within you, a greater transformation will take place within your own consciousness. This will open up avenues of revelation and the knowing of the greater purpose of the situations in your lives that each of you have been experiencing.
It is through the actual experience of being in a human body during these times that greater growth of soul takes place, not only for self but also for the evolving masses of awakening humanity who join in communion on the higher levels. All will be touched by spirit in accordance with their level of unfoldment and understanding. Every particle of life will experience an upliftment in energy and vibration and this will help to open the fields of greater potentials and possibilities for all. What is most important for each Being is to go within and allow spirit to do its magic within you.
As you create your new world together, you will find that all differences vanish in your interpersonal relationships and a greater harmony, peace, acceptance and tolerance will come into manifestation. The frequency levels of joy will enable all to move forward into unity and cooperation within the hearts of all upon the planet. The old ways will no longer be supported by the new energies that prevail. Walk in joy, peace and goodwill and know that the blessings of the Universe surround you.
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
©2012 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe’s credit, copyright and website is included. http://www.therainbowscribe.com.
via The 2012 Scenario