Tuesday, December 11, 2012

SaLuSa on 12/12/12

via The 2012 Scenario

We repost only those parts of SaLuSa’s Dec. 10 and 5 messages that relate to 12/12/12.

SaLuSa: 10-December-2012

Channelled by Mike Quinsey

We hope you that every person that is aware of the significance of 12.12. is making preparations to bring the new energy in. It will affect everyone to some extent anyway, but it is far better if you take steps to partake of it knowingly. What you will be doing is not just to help your own upliftment, but ground the energies for others to benefit from including Mother Earth. With your awareness and focus upon the energies, you should feel the result of them passing into your body. Light headedness would be normal and a feeling of intense peace and calmness. Enjoy it and know that you have been lifted up to a new level of consciousness, that is one which should remain with you.

Others around you will sense your new energies, and you will find that very young children are often able to see the Light within your aura. You will also find that your new level of calmness will enable you to have absolute control over your emotions. The chances of you becoming involved in negative emotions are very remote, and you will in fact be a factor in transmuting them by your mere presence. Until you get used to the higher energies, you may find an irresistible urge to express them by embracing people. When you feel love for your family of souls, it is only natural that you want to share it with them.

SaLuSa: December 5, 2012

Channelled by Mike Quinsey

With only days to go to the first part of your experience of a powerful upliftment, we urge you to try and arrange to be free on the 12th and able to relax and enjoy it. As a key moment in your Ascension process, it is one to be totally aware of and remembered for the intensity of the energy.

It is not that every person will have an identical experience, but if you are prepared for it you will be left with some memory of the changes within. Some of you will wake up from your sleep before 11:11 Universal time, and will be able to have full awareness of what is taking place. Others will sleep through it, yet may have vivid dreams when the energies are at work. However, all will receive the energies and benefit from them regardless of their conscious state at the time.

To have Ascension follow on so quickly after December 12 means that you will have an ongoing experience that will heighten your senses and leave you in no doubt that you have benefitted from it. It will be a most uplifting occasion and there will be a new mood of happiness and joy within those you meet.

You will be able to feel the difference in people around you, and sense a deeper calmness and peace as if suddenly all the darkness has gone. It will show in people’s eyes as after all it is the seat of the soul, and love will beam out more powerfully than you have noticed previously.

The stresses of life will diminish to be replaced by a beautiful relaxed feeling, as though you do not have a care in the world and that Dear Ones is how we want you to be. The trouble and strife associated with your normal life will gradually be eliminated by the changes that are in hand.

If you are one who experiences little change in yourself, do not be concerned as according to your metabolism it will affect some people in different ways. From this month onwards your progress will speed up as the excitement builds up at the prospect of Disclosure. It can come in different ways, so expect the unexpected as certain options remain open. …

You should be continuing to cleanse your body and releasing anything that is of the 3D world. You are leaving it now and cannot take the old remnants of your attachments to it. That should be easy as they will no longer serve you in any way. You may also find yourself moving from your old crowd of friends, because they do not represent your interests any more.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and, with my colleagues of the Galactic Federation of Light, wish you success in your personal journey to ascend. Be assured that many higher Beings will accompany you all of the way.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey

via The 2012 Scenario