The End Of Our Age is Now … And The Truth Is Setting Us Free
A video by Alex White – Brisbane, Australia
Click here to view the embedded video.
Published on Apr 24, 2012
The Trance/Techno music track is from Kim Marsh, titled “Evil Angel” – url:
We sure live in exciting times. So far, in 2012, changes in our world have been profound, but in the secret and unseen worlds changes have occurred in dramatic ways. Thanks to many amazing researchers, whistleblowers, intuitives, indigenous elders, channellers and et’s, a video like this is even possible. Thank you all.
This is about preparation for things to come, now manifesting in front of our eyes. The ancient Mayans were absolutely right. 2012 is about transformation; a transformation from bad to good — the Golden Age. This summary (bottom line) video is one tiny window of what is for all to see on the Internet, but of course needs time to find and research.
The truth comes from the alternative researchers and whistle-blowers on the net and from the people who channel the information from beyond the veil. The mainstream media is simply not in the game it seems. Luckily we know why, and we are sure that they will come on board too.
Enjoy the show and keep doing the research. Find out more on for summary information and news.
via The 2012 Scenario